7 Days to Die



7 Days to Die》以求生和恐怖为主题,玩家可以在可建造和可破坏的体素世界中的废弃城市中搜寻物资,也可以在荒野中探索,收集原材料来建造自己的工具、武器、陷阱、防御工事和庇护所。恐怖(僵尸)元素占了游戏的很大一部分,包括建筑和完全可破坏的(体素)环境--一切都由积木搭建而成,类似于 Minecraft,但却能创造出非常流畅的外观。

随着稳定的更新(但速度较慢,平均每年 2 次重大更新,中间有几次小更新,主要是修复错误),游戏在图形方面稳步前进并继续前进,但更重要的是游戏性,从主要是简单的射击游戏和专注于精心制作(从 Alpha 12 开始改变),到完整的 RPG 体验,Alpha 15 引入了 NPC(仅限商人)和广泛的技能系统,Alpha 17 引入了分类(类似特质)系统。

现在,游戏中还有大量陷阱、通过电力层级实现的自动炮塔,以及 Alpha 17 中引入的各种可用的单座和多座车辆(手动和摩托车、汽车、陀螺仪)。

游戏可进行单人(SP)、多人(MP)、合作/PvE 和 PvP 游戏;游戏服务器可通过游戏客户端运行,也可作为专用服务器运行,可进行大量配置和修改,包括自定义区块和声音,还有一个事件系统,该系统创建了一个活跃的 "modding "社区,让玩家能以许多最初未打算采用的不同方式体验游戏

* 截至本文撰写之时,完整的故事情节尚未实施(Early Access / Alpha 开发状态),这只是初步的故事情节。*




7 Days to Die 激活说明

7 Days to Die 评论和评级

Review by GarbageGal [user]

This game is one of my favorites, and I have a collective time playing it of over 700 hours and still climbing. At first glance, it seemsThis game is one of my favorites, and I have a collective time playing it of over 700 hours and still climbing. At first glance, it seems generic, even bad to some. Its graphics are still a bit rough, but even they are still improving with each update. It has an addicting gameplay loop and has a wonderful community backing it. It's a fun first person zombie survival game with base building and even some level of tower defense. It has a learning curve, but it's worth putting in the effort to get past it.

Review by alexhemington [user]

After a hard day at work, playing this game just brightens up my mind. Play it with friends and things get even more enticing. Just amazing game!

Review by aarone2 [user]

This game was actually pretty fun to play with friends, but it is neglected and very glitchy. The developers left the game to die on console.This game was actually pretty fun to play with friends, but it is neglected and very glitchy. The developers left the game to die on console. They don’t update it at all anymore. The survival, exploration and crafting system are pretty good. The worst part are the graphics and glitches. I lost 1/2 of my items because my chest was outside of the “place land block” region. The game never said what this block did, so I just randomly placed it down. Overall fun game, but glitches like that really kill the experience.

Review by Maniac1952 [user]

The games itself is fun to play and can be challenging. Problem is that with the 3 times my son and I have played we get so far into the gameThe games itself is fun to play and can be challenging. Problem is that with the 3 times my son and I have played we get so far into the game (usually the 4th to 6th week) and the program crashes and wipes out a portion OR ALL of what has been developed. Now that the resources have been gathered and depleted it is almost impossible to reclaim what was lost (guns, minibikes, ammo and the chem and work stations). If that isn't bad enough, it will randomly kick the 2nd player or the host which kicks everyone. This game isn't worth the $30.00 paid for it.

Review by dasbo [user]

Literally unplayable, not worth a dollar.Constant framerate issues, below 25 FPS at all times I would say, lame graphics, lame gameplay,Literally unplayable, not worth a dollar.Constant framerate issues, below 25 FPS at all times I would say, lame graphics, lame gameplay, lame everything, I can't even say if the game is good or not due to the poor framerate causing me motion sickness.

发布日期 2013年12月13日
发布者 The Fun Pimps Entertainment LLC, Telltale Games, Iron Galaxy Studios
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社, 分屏
球员视角 第一人称, 第三人, 虚拟现实
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG), 射手, 独立, 模拟器, 战略
主题 行动, 恐怖, 生存, 开放世界, 沙盒
平台 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One