Alone in the Dark: Illumination




受 H.P. 洛夫克拉夫特著作的启发,Atari 的《黑暗中的孤独》系列被公认为 "生存恐怖类型之父"。黑暗中的孤独:照明》以恐怖的动作恐怖体验探索了这一黑暗传统。



Alone in the Dark: Illumination 激活说明

Alone in the Dark: Illumination 评论和评级

Review by TheLastofMe [user]

I love to play alone in the dark because i can play horror games at night and my room is dark. But, the games has a huge twist when there isI love to play alone in the dark because i can play horror games at night and my room is dark. But, the games has a huge twist when there is light in the dark, illuminating the surroundings so there is contrast between light and dark, two polar opposites.

Review by SpazioGames

23 years, and this is how it ends? Horrifying, and not in a good way. Illumination is an utter failure on all fronts, a derivative, boring and disappointing shooter. What a sad ending for this legendary series.

Review by brightestabyss [user]

Alone in the Dark.... Its a Co-Op shooter where you shine lights everywhere to fight the generic monsters..Yes... You are neither Alone orAlone in the Dark.... Its a Co-Op shooter where you shine lights everywhere to fight the generic monsters..Yes... You are neither Alone or in the Dark in a game called 'Alone in the Dark'.. that's how bad this game is

Review by

How on earth could this game make it to a release state? And why would Atari kill the franchise that started survival horror and made Resident Evil what it is today?

Review by HotThrombosis [user]

I used to like the Alone in the Dark series, but this edition looks and feels like Wes Craven **** into a box fan and made a game of it. I'dI used to like the Alone in the Dark series, but this edition looks and feels like Wes Craven **** into a box fan and made a game of it. I'd expect this from a Pre-Alpha release, but the gameplay just feels like a bore. As someone who tries to find the best in most negative releases, this game feels like a 2002 game with ambition kicked to the curb.

发布日期 2015年6月12日
发布者 Atari, Inc.
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 射手
主题 行动, 恐怖
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows)