父游戏: Assassin's Creed
Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition




刺客信条》是一款非线性动作冒险类视频游戏,玩家在游戏中控制一位 12 世纪第三次十字军东征时的黎凡特刺客阿尔泰尔-伊本-拉阿哈德,他的 21 世纪后裔戴斯蒙德-迈尔斯通过 Animus 体验了他的一生。

导演剪辑版包含四个 PC 独家记忆,包括屋顶竞赛挑战、弓箭手隐形暗杀挑战、商人摊位破坏和线人护送挑战

酒保戴斯蒙德-迈尔斯被 Abstergo Industries 公司绑架,作为 "Animus "的试验对象,"Animus "是一种可以模拟基因记忆的装置。Abstergo 打算将戴斯蒙德放入装置中,以唤起他的祖先阿尔泰尔-伊本-拉阿哈德(Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad)的记忆,阿尔泰尔-伊本-拉阿哈德是 1191 年刺客兄弟会的成员,生活在圣地第三次十字军东征期间。起初,戴斯蒙德很难适应这个装置,但最终还是在接下来的几天里重温了阿尔泰尔的事迹。随后,游戏主要转换为阿尔泰尔的视角,偶尔也会因为阿尼姆斯出现问题或出血效应发作而转换为戴斯蒙德的视角。

游戏开始时,戴斯蒙德进入了阿尔泰的记忆,但他很快就遇到了同步问题。这时,可以听到露西-斯蒂尔曼和沃伦-维迪奇的声音,他们在争论戴斯蒙德在阿尼姆斯中的安全问题。在遇到一些问题后,戴斯蒙德退出了虚拟机,维迪奇向他介绍了 Animus 的内部工作原理,然后初始化了机器的教程程序。完成教程后,戴斯蒙德进入了最接近阿尔泰的同步记忆;露西补充说,戴斯蒙德必须重温阿尔泰生命中的关键时刻,以提高同步率,然后才能到达保存着阿伯斯特戈正在寻找的信息的最终记忆。

阿尔泰首先在马利克-赛义夫和他的兄弟卡达尔的帮助下,试图从所罗门圣殿取回被称为 "伊甸碎片 "的一系列文物中的一件,但他们被圣殿骑士团的大团长、刺客的死敌罗伯特-德-萨布莱阻止了。在夺回宝藏的过程中,阿尔泰尔违背了刺客信条的三大信条,企图杀死罗伯特,但他最终失败了。在随后的骚乱中,马利克的兄弟被杀,马利克的左臂残废,后来被截肢。当阿尔泰尔带着歉意回到刺客们在马西亚夫的据点时,在萨布莱战役中幸存下来的马利克带着神器回来了,并因为阿尔泰尔的傲慢而对他大加奚落。

在险些击败圣殿骑士的报复性攻击后,刺客首领阿尔穆阿利姆将阿尔泰尔降级为新手,但又给了他一次机会,让他在兄弟会的队伍中崭露头角。穆阿利姆指派阿尔泰尔刺杀圣地耶路撒冷、阿克里和大马士革的九位重要人物,目的是在十字军和萨拉森军队之间实现和平。每个目标都以第三次十字军东征的真实历史人物为原型,包括 Majd Addin、Garnier de Naplouse、Jubair al Hakim、Abu'l Nuqoud、Sibrand、William of Montferrat 和 Robert de Sablé。


阿尔泰尔很快回到了马西亚夫,并找到了他的主人,主人向他揭露了真相:他在阿尔泰尔的帮助下找回的伊甸之片在他犯罪之前就已经制造了幻觉。他谴责宗教和其他看似超自然的事件(如埃及十灾、红海分开、特洛伊战争中希腊诸神的出现)都是由伊甸碎片造成的幻觉,然后表示他打算利用这件神器迫使人类进入洗脑状态,并以此结束一切冲突;阿尔泰尔最终识破了神器制造的骗局,杀死了阿尔-穆阿利姆。当阿尔泰尔找回神器时,"伊甸园碎片 "也随之启动,显示出一个全息的世界,并在全球各地标出了许多其他 "伊甸园碎片 "的位置。


虽然戴斯蒙德仍被困在阿布斯特戈实验室,但他在阿尼姆斯的经历在他自己的生命中产生了阿尔泰尔生命的出血效应,让戴斯蒙德可以使用阿尔泰尔的鹰眼,这反过来又让他可以看到画在他房间墙壁和实验室地板上的奇怪信息。这些信息都涉及不同文化背景下各种形式的世界末日,其中有几处提到了 2012 年 12 月 21 日,即阿布斯特戈计划发射一颗 "永久结束战争 "的卫星的日期。游戏暗示,这种方法与阿尔-穆阿利姆催眠马赛夫的方法相同,只是规模更大而已。最后,游戏结束时,戴斯蒙德想知道这些图像都意味着什么,谁会画出这些图像。

Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition 激活说明

Assassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition 评论和评级

Review by Basem101 [user]

Assassin's creed is a good game with decent story (although the ending was bad great graphic and some cool characters but the game isAssassin's creed is a good game with decent story (although the ending was bad great graphic and some cool characters but the game is repetitive with the same missions nothing new so you'll have fun in the beginning and then you'll get a bit bored then disappointed in the ending but still it is not bad and give it a try

Review by Alex12345 [user]

This is a very good game. Its graphics are superb and the storyline is well thought out and gripping. Basically, you play as a 21st centuryThis is a very good game. Its graphics are superb and the storyline is well thought out and gripping. Basically, you play as a 21st century person who uses a machine to relive the life of his ancestor-Altair, an assassin in the 12th century. Altair messes up a mission and is demoted in his assassin guild. In order to regain his high rank Altair is tasked by his master to assassinate a number of Templars-his guild's mortal enemies, including their grand master. The story has an interesting conclusion-I'll leave it at that. The gameplay is fluid and amazing. My only real criticisms are that the NPCs don't do much else other than walk around and utter the odd sentence. Also, most of the time you simply duel your target face-to-face, rather than employing skill to take them out stealthily. Overall, a great game!

Review by Acht_Neun_Aus [user]

I really love the Assassin's Creed series, I like this game very much. I like the graphics too. Great controls and story, the enemies needI really love the Assassin's Creed series, I like this game very much. I like the graphics too. Great controls and story, the enemies need some more voices, but that's alright. The thing I don't like is that the structure of the missions is repetitive, and sometimes the dialog is too long. Other than that, it is a good game to buy. 9 out of 10 is what I give it.

Review by NZGamer

The game looks better than ever on the PC and plays like a dream too. However if you already have the game you wont find anything totally new other than the odd side-mission.

Review by YouGamers

Great PC conversion of a somewhat flawed game. It just feels that the actual gameplay elements got sidelined while developing all the technology used to realize the the impressive cities, the crowds and the great character animation.

发布日期 2008年4月8日
发布者 Ubisoft Montreal
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 平台
主题 行动, 科幻小说, 开放世界, 历史, 幻想, 沙盒, 隐形
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows)