

黑鹰》(BLACKHOLE)是一款屡获殊荣的硬核平台游戏,拥有超过 15 小时的故事驱动型科幻喜剧和重力扭曲谜题。现已推出 Xbox One 和 PlayStation 4 完整版!

当飞船 Endera 的船员被吸入黑洞时,似乎一切都完了。幸运的是,飞船坠落在一个类似行星的不明物体--"实体 "上。坠毁后,第一个醒来的成员是为船员们煮咖啡的人--你!周围一个人都没有,你唯一的盟友是飞船电脑上的讽刺人工智能 Auriel。



当 Endera 飞船的船员被吸入黑洞时,似乎一切都完了。幸运的是,飞船坠落在实体星球上。坠毁后第一个醒来的成员是咖啡男。他在自己的 PDA 上发现了复制的人工智能 Auriel。他们一起想出了一个计划,如何修复飞船,拯救幸存的船员,并通过彻底关闭黑洞成为地球的英雄。



Review by Cateye10 [user]

BLACKHOLE è pane digitale per tutti gli hardcore gamers che amano i puzzle 2D. E' originale, umoristico, sadico, ben progettato e disegnato. IBLACKHOLE è pane digitale per tutti gli hardcore gamers che amano i puzzle 2D. E' originale, umoristico, sadico, ben progettato e disegnato. I controlli, elemento essenziale per questa tipologia di giochi, sono precisi e ottimizzati alla perfezione anche se si utilizza il pad al posto della tastiera. Con i Dlc di questa Complete Edition si amplia ancor di più un gioco che è estremamente impegnativo e longevo.Fiola Soft offre a tutti gli appassionati del genere un gioco che vale la pena di avere nella propria collezione, senza se e senza ma!

Review by Fullyking99 [user]

Blackhole is 2D animated plaformer with some action, logic and lot's of humor. There's really awesome dubbing and hardcore game design. TheBlackhole is 2D animated plaformer with some action, logic and lot's of humor. There's really awesome dubbing and hardcore game design. The game is as hard as Dark Souls, so if you are a bit hothead you should be careful because your mouse, controller, keyboard, doors, desk, monitor or friends may not make it. There is also Auriel, which is someone like Cortana and trust me, you will want to kill her, but after all you will love her.

Review by IGN Spain

Humorous, varied, fun and simple. Maybe it gets too repetitive over time, but that's not a major fault for this old school platformer.

Review by Larion [user]

Hey guys did you ever wanted to be in black hole? You've got your chance now. This game will takes your mind and **** with it. That stillHey guys did you ever wanted to be in black hole? You've got your chance now. This game will takes your mind and **** with it. That still isn't enough. You're going to cry, rage or throw things out of your windows. Now about the game. This game is from small country named Czech Republic. It's hardcore plat-former. Once when you'll end this game you'll be free forever. Like really. Harder games than Blackhole are maybe only games from Dark Souls series. Good luck, you'll need it.

Review by COGconnected

With excellent gameplay, well-tuned controls and puzzles, and intriguing story, Blackhole also looks stunning.Every act introduces a new theme from a barren cave to a lush jungle and nothing is visually dull. The backgrounds are laid out cleverly to help you stay orientated while the levels rotate and your objectives nicely pop out.

发布日期 2015年2月27日
发布者 1C Entertainment, FiolaSoft Studio
内容评级 T (Teen)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 侧视图
类型 探险, 独立, 平台, 拼图
主题 行动, 科幻小说, 喜剧
平台 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One