父游戏: Crysis 2
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition


Crysis 2 Remastered
Crysis 2


孤岛惊魂 2 Maximum Edition CD Key 被认为是一款以第一人称视角进行游戏的射击游戏。电子艺界(Electronic Arts)是该游戏的发行商,游戏于 2011 年 3 月在欧洲、澳大利亚和北美发行,支持 Xbox 360、PS 3 和 MS Windows。该游戏属于孤岛危机系列,是其第二部作品。游戏于 2009 年 6 月 1 日正式发布。理查德-摩根(Richard Morgan)编写了游戏的故事情节,据说这是该系列中第一款展示 CryEngine-3 游戏引擎的游戏,也是第一款使用该引擎在游戏机上发布的游戏。

该游戏的开发商是 Crytek UK 和 Crytek Frankfurt,导演是 Cevat Yerli。Rob Letts 和 Nathan Camarillo 担任制作人,Clive Lindop 和 Sten Hubler 担任设计师。音乐由 Lorne Balfe 和 Hans Zimmer 创作。该游戏既是单人游戏,也是多人游戏。孤岛惊魂 2》赢得了积极的评价,评论家们对游戏中不同的图形属性,包括强大的 Nanosuit 都大加赞赏。多人游戏模式也很出色,在线体验令人满意和兴奋。

Crysis 2: Maximum Edition 激活说明

Crysis 2: Maximum Edition 评论和评级

Review by aecsuter [user]

I recommend the game with a few caveats at the end.Pros:- Interesting campaign that holds and is not boring- Gameplay evolutionI recommend the game with a few caveats at the end.Pros:- Interesting campaign that holds and is not boring- Gameplay evolution compared to 1 or warhead, mainly related to nanosuit.- Some new weapons- Very good graphicsAgainst:- Only 10 hours of Campaign (counting reloads)- Lack of side quests due to the focus on the campaign- MUTE main character- Story a little confusing.I think it's worth playing if you like the franchise or the style of play, but it's not worth the full price in my opinion. The R$20.00 (4USD) I paid was not so well spent considering the game's age and campaign time.87 out of 100

Review by aecsuter [user]

I recommend the game with a few caveats at the end.Pros:- Interesting campaign that holds and is not boring- Gameplay evolutionI recommend the game with a few caveats at the end.Pros:- Interesting campaign that holds and is not boring- Gameplay evolution compared to 1 or warhead, mainly related to nanosuit.- Some new weapons- Very good graphicsAgainst:- Only 10 hours of Campaign (counting reloads)- Lack of side quests due to the focus on the campaign- MUTE main character- Story a little confusing.I think it's worth playing if you like the franchise or the style of play, but it's not worth the full price in my opinion. The R$20.00 (4USD) I paid was not so well spent considering the game's age and campaign time.87 out of 100

发布日期 2011年3月22日
发布者 Electronic Arts
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 多人游戏, 单人游戏
球员视角 第一人称
类型 射手
主题 行动, 科幻小说, 隐形
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows)