以¥91.68起购买便宜的Dark Souls III CD密钥 🎮
随着火焰褪去,世界陷入毁灭,开发商 FROMSOFTWARE 和导演宫崎英高推出了《黑暗之魂 III》,延续了他们广受好评的经典系列。无论是游戏迷还是新玩家,都将沉浸在这款游戏特有的奖励丰厚的游戏玩法和身临其境的画面中。现在只剩下余烬...
Dark Souls III 激活说明
Dark Souls III 评论和评级
love this game i'm yet to play the dlc but i can say with my whole heart that this is a great game and if you love dark souls or elden ringlove this game i'm yet to play the dlc but i can say with my whole heart that this is a great game and if you love dark souls or elden ring you should play this game, its a fun yet hard challenge
One of the best ending to any gaming franchises I've ever seen its sadly lacks the inerconnectivity that the first game has but it makes upOne of the best ending to any gaming franchises I've ever seen its sadly lacks the inerconnectivity that the first game has but it makes up for it in its boss fights.
Great gameplay, great level design.Fromsoft told me that if you do it all the way, you can do it.The play after the second round is alsoGreat gameplay, great level design.Fromsoft told me that if you do it all the way, you can do it.The play after the second round is also excellently prepared. But I'm not happy with the trophies that need multiplayer.
Was not expecting to get as engrossed in the game as I did. After spending 2 hours on abyss watchers on my first play-through, I was startingWas not expecting to get as engrossed in the game as I did. After spending 2 hours on abyss watchers on my first play-through, I was starting to regret picking this game up. I then made a new character and this time carefully traversed through each area, making sure to explore everything. This game ended up being one of the most satisfying and rewarding experiences I've played in a while.
Amazing Game, From Software is seriously improving and changing the gameplay style for each game they release. I think the company did anAmazing Game, From Software is seriously improving and changing the gameplay style for each game they release. I think the company did an amazing job with everything from the environmental and character design to the gameplay mechanics. New players can experience a unique video game with a different style than most games out there, while old players have an amazing new world to explore including secrets and lore. the only negative I could say about the game are the few bosses that are way too easy and not challenging enough. Meanwhile, some areas of the games feel super obnoxious (not challenging) which makes the player want to run through the entire area as fast as possible.
Having played the first two games and their respective DLC's, I come here with some scepticism as to how this story would fit in. TheHaving played the first two games and their respective DLC's, I come here with some scepticism as to how this story would fit in. The standard's were very high, expectations to the roof.Where the first, I personally felt, lacked a bit in combat, this game give it to the fullest. Where the second lacked in meaningful NPC's and stories, this one has a plenty. From the most common merchant, to the secret boss, everything is thought out and planned in classical Dark Souls fashion. The gameplay is familiar enough to scare you exploring, but inviting just a bit, to make you want to test different play styles.It's an adventure that packs 60 hours of gameplay in your first try, maybe even more if you dare go far off the beaten path. And speaking of such a path, maybe it's only downfall is the linear story towards the end. For Souls fans who always sough the mystery of where to go next (I myself have spent hours on youtube figuring that out) It is a bit of a disappointment.The bosses in this game are the most diverse in the entire Souls franchise. Big, scary, fast, unforgiving, there is a favourite boss for everybody. I might go as far as to say that there is one boss that gives Artorias, and OnS a run for their gold coin.In the end, Dark Souls III answers many lore questions, but raises quite a few knew ones. A beautifully incandescent addition to the Souls franchise, and a great stand alone game. You need not know, the stories that came before this, enjoy and praise the sun.
Yes, it is not such a phenomenon as the first one, and, seriously, it can't stand to that masterpiece.But still this game just absorbedYes, it is not such a phenomenon as the first one, and, seriously, it can't stand to that masterpiece.But still this game just absorbed everything great about Demon Souls, Dark Souls 1&2, Bloodbourne and there is nothing wrong with it, because it's a quintessence of Hidetaka Miyazaki's ingenious creativity.The stortelling, characters, foes, gameplay, f*cking legendary atmosphere... Thanks, Hidetaka. I'm sorry that this is the end of those game series. Looking forward for your future creations.
Nice comeback to DS1, wonderful locations, not so impressive bosses and so few of them comparing to DS2. Ending was disappointing. Also I hateNice comeback to DS1, wonderful locations, not so impressive bosses and so few of them comparing to DS2. Ending was disappointing. Also I hate when area boss is dead you cant summon friend.
One needs a certain disposition to appreciate Dark Souls III – a willingness to face setbacks and challenges and then overcome them. Don't expect to play this just like any other action-RPG. If you're going to play this game, it must be on its own terms and as it's meant to be played. That patience will be rewarded with a masterpiece, easily one of the best action and role-playing games of the year.
Solid enough Souls game. Admittedly From have played it quite safe here, but I have had a lot of fun playing DaS3. Series hasn't reallySolid enough Souls game. Admittedly From have played it quite safe here, but I have had a lot of fun playing DaS3. Series hasn't really changed much since DeS and at this point it might be time to let the formula rest. But it has been a great ride. Maybe another developer will arise who will shamelessly steal mechanics from the Souls series and put them into a game that concentrates more on online aspects. Think Souls gameplay with fleshed out covenants, servers that reduce phantom range issues and more vigorously balanced PvP. The dream.
Regardless of the absolute score, we have some complaints. We would like to have more imagination, courage and new content. DSIII is rather a superb compilation of previous games from the series. If you are a novice, it can be seen as an advantage.
Playing Dark Souls 3 has been a pleasant experience.Everything is improved compared to the previous DS games, the graphics are pretty coolPlaying Dark Souls 3 has been a pleasant experience.Everything is improved compared to the previous DS games, the graphics are pretty cool and the areas are nice.Having finished all games in the series (except for Bloodborne), I found it smooth and enjoyable, with less annoying areas than the predecessors.The world design is pretty good, but seems a bit linear. There are connections and shortcuts throughout the game, but the path is still one and you gotta follow it to progress through the game. The ability to teleport from each bonfire is also a proof of the linearity, since it would take ages to move from an area to the other, just by running.In the end, it feels like there isn't much difference from previous DS games, the core mechanics are the same, same atmosphere, lack of storyline/lore (mostly hidden in items descriptions).This makes me think: now that I finished it, will I remember any of this game in a few months time...? or will the only great memories from this series be always linked to DS1?
If you liked the previous Dark Souls games, you will like this one. If you did not like them, you still won't...In fact, out of the entireIf you liked the previous Dark Souls games, you will like this one. If you did not like them, you still won't...In fact, out of the entire Soulborne series, this game probably has the most punishing first 5 hours. Even as a vet I can sense that the developers are trying their best to mess with our expectations.Returning fans who missed a few Dark Souls / Bloodborne games may be discouraged from the first 5 hours and think things like "Oh man I might be too old for this series", well, IT GETS EASIER so press on my Sunbro!As always, don't expect a lot of exposition in this series, the story is basically what you can figure out from the bits and pieces of lore you find in the game. NPC Questlines are therefore vague and you can easily void questlines and the damage is irreversible until your next playthrough. I highly recommend using fextralife online wiki to get the full experience without trial and error for hundreds of hours on your own, unless of course, that is your thing.The music, again, is nonexistent unless you are at your home camp, or during boss fights. None of them are memorable, that doesn't mean it's bad, it's mostly because you are too focused trying to fight/survive the bosses to pay too much attention to the music. They do make the fights feel epic though and every piece is fitting.As for difficulty, I gotta say Bloodborne is still harder due to its core combat mechanics being more reflex/muscle memory based. However, you CAN make it harder than Bloodborne for yourself if you do a no-shield, no-cheese run.PVP is still the same ol' Dark Souls pvp. I like it enough to do it for Covenant rewards.Only gripe is the new Covenant system for some of the covenants. It's fundamentally flawed, and on top of that I think the matchmaking for them is currently broken. It effectively locks me out of Platinum because I can't get auto-matched...with the only alternative being grinding in PVE at low drop rates which isn't a very fun way to go about doing it. I mean, I see why they have the low drop rates, so they could get more people to participate in PVP...but when the matchmaking is barely working it's just bad all around.All in all, this game is great and is worthy of being the swan song of the series, and the finale reminds us of all we have achieved in the series.
In most games there is a simple pleasure of success that accompanies them. The payoff for Dark Souls isn't guaranteed, but goes somewhat deeper than that. It feels a little more like genuine accomplishment, found in small does along the way and promised in large measure when you finally find yourself skilled at this wonderfully unique little corner of the gaming world.
Despite its minor shortcomings, I have not played through such a satisfying and complete experience in a long time. Dark Souls III not only is the best in the series, it is also the best action RPG to come out in recent years.
Just started playing this last night, already clocked 9 hours, the graphics are stunning, combat is fluid and the music and voice acting ISJust started playing this last night, already clocked 9 hours, the graphics are stunning, combat is fluid and the music and voice acting IS PHENOMENAL. I love dark souls so much and if this truly is the final dark souls game, itll be a sad day for us all. But bittersweet, because we're sent off with a final stunning entry in this amazing series. Thank you FromSoftware.
While it’s still impossible on a personal level for me to admit that any of Dark Souls’ siblings could better it, when taken as a whole, complete experience, Dark Souls III may be the best chapter of the Souls series that From Software has crafted. A fitting way to end, if that will indeed be the fate of the franchise.
Dark Souls 3 completes the epic trilogy in the best way possible. It manages to be fresh and simultaneously so familiar. So, embrace the darkness and when you emerge victorious you can proudly shout to the heavens: Praise the Sun!
The Dark Souls games remain a high-water mark for the action RPG. Uncompromising, occasionally infuriating, yet constantly rewarding for those with the correct level of patience and dedication, Dark Souls III is a fitting end to a fantastic trilogy.
Dark Souls 3 must bow its head to its Playstation predecessor - but should be proud that it manages to be a gruelling, challenging adventure, pushing endlessly through horror and weirdness.
Dark Souls 3 is a rough diamond, the final touch to a masterpiece trilogy which will leave its mark on us. This final entry can be seen as easier, but it's maybe the best one to date. Well done, Miyazaki-san.
Even with minor issues with linearity, framerate, and the originality of level design, Dark Souls III is an outstanding send-off for a seminal trilogy that has influenced and legitimized difficulty in games with unapologetic force.
A game like Dark Souls 3 is best gone into blind so as to heighten the sense of wonder and accomplishment you feel when you discover things for yourself, and I don’t want to rob you of that. All you need to know is that without any shadow of a doubt, I believe Dark Souls 3 is the finest game in the Souls series to date. It looks amazing, sounds amazing, plays amazing; the only things that let it down are the minor technical issues and perhaps the sometimes inconsistent difficulty level.
Much like From Software's earlier entries, Dark Souls III obscures its plot beneath its gameplay elements--the story is more concerned with tone than exposition. But what plot there is asks important questions: why do we place our idols in such high regard? How did they become our legends? The Lords of Cinder are imposing figures in Dark Souls III, and their power is attractive to pawns like us. But the end of their road is a lonely one--was that destination worth the sacrifice it took to get there?
We couldn't have hoped for a better conclusion to the Dark Souls trilogy. Miyazaki-san was able to give the fans the most gorgeous souls-like experience ever, despite some frame rate issues that affect the console versions.
With a faster combat mechanic than ever, better visuals and the same challenging gameplay as before, Dark Souls 3 delivers an adventure that will hook you up for many, many hours. It might not be as good as Bloodborne, mainly because some technical flaws, and a little less appealing world – but it’s close enough.
In so many important ways — its world design, its pacing, the technology powering it — Dark Souls 3 falls short of the mark. Do you play for the joy and stress of exploring dangerous, intricately crafted places full of hidden elements and endless side paths? Then I suspect you'll join me in being a little let down with the direction this sequel has gone in.
Devout followers of the Souls series will immediately discover that Dark Souls III is in many respects more of the same, and the majority of them couldn't be happier with that judgment.
Despite the odd issues I ran into with the game, be it performance related, or gameplay related (mobs of enemies don’t always make a game harder FromSoftware), Dark Souls 3 is a gargantuan step up from Dark Souls 2 in terms of design...From Software has included a lot for players to mess around with, and between the various armor sets, locations, weapons and enemies to get acquainted with, Dark Souls 3 is one behemoth of a game that could stand at the top of the entire series in terms of quality.
发布日期 | 2016年3月24日 |
发布者 | Bandai Namco Entertainment, FromSoftware |
总评分 | 87% |
内容评级 | M (Mature) |
游戏模式 | 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社 |
球员视角 | 第三人 |
类型 | 探险, 角色扮演(RPG) |
主题 | 行动, 幻想 |
平台 | PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One |