Easy Red 2



Easy Red 2 is the game for who want to experience the immersion of huge battles of World War 2 in a realistic and simulative key. Fight your way through soldiers, tanks and explosions and learn how to survive in a battlefield with your squad.

Easy Red 2 激活说明

发布日期 November 10, 2020
发布者 Corvostudio di Amadei Marco
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社
球员视角 第一人称
类型 射手, 独立, 模拟器, 战术, 战略
主题 行动, 历史, 战争, 沙盒
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S