F1 2012



除了新的年轻车手测试模式外,《F1 2012》还推出了新的 "冠军模式",在该模式中,参加 2012 赛季比赛的六位世界冠军--基米-莱库宁(Kimi Räikkönen)、刘易斯-汉密尔顿(Lewis Hamilton)、简森-巴顿(Jenson Button)、塞巴斯蒂安-维特尔(Sebastian Vettel)、费尔南多-阿隆索(Fernando Alonso)和迈克尔-舒马赫(Michael Schumacher)--将以传统的电子游戏关卡终结者的形象出现,玩家要在适合每位车手的比赛条件下击败他们。

另一个新模式是 "赛季挑战 "模式。Codemasters 收到的反馈意见是,玩家只有在有几个小时的时间时才会玩这款游戏。为此,Codemasters 引入了这一模式,让玩家可以在短时间内进行游戏。在该模式中,玩家将从一支排名较低的车队开始,在十场比赛的赛季中,玩家将根据自己击败对手车手的能力和目标,在赛季中期更换车队。
Codemasters 还推出了 "单圈排位赛",玩家只需跑一圈即可获得比赛资格。三个阶段的淘汰赛仍是一个选项,但在职业生涯模式中不再有 20 分钟的单圈淘汰赛。在一个周末的比赛中,也不再有包含全部三次练习赛的选项,而只有一个小时的练习赛。

F1 2012 激活说明

F1 2012 评论和评级

Review by bc05 [user]

The multiplayer in this game does not work in Canada or the U.S. Buyers beware!My user profile randomly got corrupted. Had to start careerThe multiplayer in this game does not work in Canada or the U.S. Buyers beware!My user profile randomly got corrupted. Had to start career from scratch.Then steam decided the game wasn't even installed on my pc.TOO MANY BUGS!

Review by Games.cz

New details, great presentation and more balanced gameplay. F1 2012 is the best Formula One racing game on the market, and it's not because there are no other titles. In short, Codemasters do a good job - they listen to the community, they keep the good stuff in the series, they always get wiser because of their previous mistakes. Throughout the evolution F1 2012 is one step closer to the racing game perfection. However, a revolutionary shift in the genre is still awaited.

Review by Valleymsx [user]

The best F1 game i ever played... the new modes are good and welcome. The graphics are fantastic, lights and physics really good. This is aThe best F1 game i ever played... the new modes are good and welcome. The graphics are fantastic, lights and physics really good. This is a good game, faster than 2010 and 2011.

Review by PC Games

This year's F1-Game is much more than an update. With its improved gameplay and graphics and the many Formula-1-contents F1 2012 is one of the best racing games available – although the rules-system and the AI aren't perfect yet.

Review by Eurogamer Germany

The great thing is, everybody can decide for themselves how much depth and realism they want from F1 2012. Granted, there might not be too much new stuff in this iteration, judged on its own merits, it is still a very satisfying experience, though.

发布日期 2012年9月17日
发布者 Codemasters Birmingham, Codemasters, Feral Interactive
内容评级 E (Everyone)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社
球员视角 第一人称, 第三人
类型 模拟器, 体育, 赛车, 战略
主题 非小说类
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Mac