Fable II



寓言 2》是 Lionhead Studios 制作的寓言系列的第二款游戏,是一款开放世界的角色扮演游戏。游戏的故事情节简单,主人公需要集合其他三位英雄打败邪恶的卢西恩领主,从而拯救阿尔比恩。交互式剪辑是游戏的主要部分,但主角从不说话,所有对话都不受控制。
游戏的特点是玩法多样、自由度高,玩家可以根据自己在游戏中做出的决定来塑造周围的世界、角色的外观和道德地位。玩家还可以与同性或异性结婚,可以把孩子带到童年,但不能走得更远,与 NPC 的互动也比



故事发生在《寓言 1》的 500 年后,但仍在阿尔比恩大陆上,玩家要帮助一位盲人预言家从一个想要毁灭世界的疯子手中拯救世界,创造一个更纯净的新世界。在第一部《寓言》游戏中主角的妹妹 Theresa 的帮助下,英雄必须召集其他三位有力量、有技能、有意志的英雄,让他们团结起来打败对手。

Fable II 激活说明

Fable II 评论和评级

Review by hammy1999 [user]

this is my review:pros-the story is the best in the series- combat is way better than the first one in a landslide-the world in thethis is my review:pros-the story is the best in the series- combat is way better than the first one in a landslide-the world in the game is huge and there are a ton of a fun and exited side missions -lots of cusomization -can do almost anything (like buy and rent houses get married and have children)-the dog is an awesome addition to the series-beautiful graphicscons-co-op is horrible-this game crashed on me a few times (it may of been just of my game)

Review by Watermelon789 [user]

Charming game with a cool interactions on the world and on the society of the game. Its cool the options of that every actions affect yourCharming game with a cool interactions on the world and on the society of the game. Its cool the options of that every actions affect your aspect giving you personality,thats cool but it needs more depth ,also annoying some AI don't act well and some weird glitches. The graphics are colorful , the gameplay is easy and simple.

Review by Metroid [user]

A truley amazing game.. despite what most people say about it, its amazing so much to do it looks amazing and its awesome to play.. i think iA truley amazing game.. despite what most people say about it, its amazing so much to do it looks amazing and its awesome to play.. i think i put in 25+ hours and i would deff play it through again

Review by VioletLove [user]

Fable 2 IS an extremely fun game to play, and the graphics are amazing. Many people see through all the good things of this game, only Fable 2 IS an extremely fun game to play, and the graphics are amazing. Many people see through all the good things of this game, only recoginzing the flaws of it and how it isn't what they expected it would be. If some people couldactually pay attention to the good parts of it than they would most likely love it. I do agree though, some parts of the game do confuse me and upset me. I had no idea how many glitches there were in this game and how badly they could affect your Xbox 360 system. I had only found this out while trying to solve the single glitch I had gotten so far-In the Love Hurts Quest When I try to give the man the lower body part he only stands there mindlessly- and I was completely gratefull that I hadn'tgotten the game ending glitches like the Rescuing Charlie quest. I do also agree that the game should have been released later and that they should of double checked for all the glitches, because for most people they are very annoying and ruin game experiance. It is blood boiling to know that they took years to make this game when it is below the standards of most Fable fans and that they had the longest time given to of looked for the flaws and they never took the time to fix them. Also, it was very short. Truthfully, it is the first game that I have ever truelly beaten by myself, without using cheats or making my brothers do part of it for me, which declares it as very easy. Another thing that bugs me is the lack of clothes and hairstyles in the game, and how I always seem to look fat when the fat level says zero and the fact that I have level 2 phisice ( or however you spell it ). They say that there is endless possiblities and that It would surprise them to see two different heros look the same when i highly disagree with that. I bet that if every player of Fable 2 posted how their character looked online there would be triplets and up for every perosn's character. I also wish that there was a map avalible in Fable 2, since the golden trail isn't always very dependent. After reading all the bad things about this game it is hard to give it an 8, but even through it's flaws I would most definetly choose it over Oblivion. It amazes me also that so many people think that Oblivion is better than Fable 2 by a landslide when I personally hate the graphics-the faces of the people in Oblivion look inhuman and the quests are a waste of time. I have never played the origanal Fable, and now I plan to soon. Lastly, it confuses me that they are may start working on Fable 3, even through all the negative comments. The strange thing is that even though Im confused, I still cant wait for it.

Review by Ian [user]

Not bad, I honestly enjoyed fable 1 more, the story was certainly better in fable 1 (not that fable 1's story was good), there areNot bad, I honestly enjoyed fable 1 more, the story was certainly better in fable 1 (not that fable 1's story was good), there are certainly some more polished aspects of gameplay added in this version of fable, others less. very ho-hum after beating it (which took all of 10 hours).

发布日期 2008年10月21日
发布者 Lionhead Studios, Microsoft Game Studios
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 合作社, 单人游戏
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG)
主题 行动, 开放世界, 幻想
平台 Xbox 360