辐射新维加斯 CD 密钥》是一款角色扮演类动作游戏,属于 "辐射 "系列。黑曜石娱乐公司(Obsidian Entertainment)是该游戏的开发商,贝塞斯达软工公司(Bethesda Softworks)是该游戏的发行商。游戏于 2010 年 10 月发售,登陆 PS 3、Xbox 360 和 MS Windows。游戏采用开放式世界,背景设定在亚利桑那州、加利福尼亚州和内华达州的末世环境中。快递员是游戏的主角,他受雇穿越莫哈韦沙漠向新维加斯大道运送一个未知包裹,但在运送过程中中弹身亡。但他被朋友发现并接受了治疗,之后他的任务就是找回失窃的包裹并复仇。游戏的竞技场设置在沙漠中,玩家需要与试图控制胡佛水坝的不同派别作战。

该游戏被认为是一款商业上非常成功的游戏,据说全球销量超过 1200 万份。该游戏由 Namco Bandai Partners 发行,由 J.E. Sawyer 执导。游戏由 Matt Singh、Jason Fader、Mikey Dowling 和 Tress Treadwell 制作,作曲家是 Inon Zur。游戏采用 Gamebryo 引擎。

Fallout: New Vegas 激活说明

Fallout: New Vegas 评论和评级

Review by BroTheHomes [user]

I'm going to start this off by saying that Fallout: New Vegas is my favorite game of ALL TIME, so this review will most definitely be biasedI'm going to start this off by saying that Fallout: New Vegas is my favorite game of ALL TIME, so this review will most definitely be biased in almost every single way. FNV is a huge buggy mess, but besides that there is almost no flaw to this game as a whole. The story albeit, kind of cliche, is a vast improvement from Fallout 3, and I really appreciate how almost every single side quest can have several endings, all of which will result in different endings that are shown to you at the end of the game in the form of a slideshow. While this games story isn't the most serious thing every (far from it), that isn't what makes the beauty of FNV. The beauty of FNV comes from the near unlimited amount of things you can do, from finding snow globes, to the various DLCs, and on and on. However, this is without even mentioning mods. This is the best moddable game of all time, as the sheer amount of quests, weapons, houses, companions, etc. you can find around the internet make this game easily my most enjoyable game of all time. Mods easily take this game from maybe an 8.5 to a 10 in my book.

Review by Mendax89 [user]

The old Obsidian( before the SJWs took over) shows to Bethesda how to make a great game.The only weakness is the terrible Bethesda engine,The old Obsidian( before the SJWs took over) shows to Bethesda how to make a great game.The only weakness is the terrible Bethesda engine, everything else is top quality.A must play.

Review by Brey [user]

**** game with save problem that game cannot load it. People have already written about this problem in 2012 or earlier. I will never buy**** game with save problem that game cannot load it. People have already written about this problem in 2012 or earlier. I will never buy anything from people who have been able to fix something like this for 5 years

Review by Smilingcookie [user]

Fallout: New Vegas is an excellent RPG and more true to the originals than Fallout 3. Obsidian did a great job writing exhiliaratingFallout: New Vegas is an excellent RPG and more true to the originals than Fallout 3. Obsidian did a great job writing exhiliarating dialogues, great quests, and a thrilling (though simple) story. Factions matter for once and are to some extent responsive and mutually exclusive. Your actions and decisions can reshape the wasteland, it's new settlements and politics. Choice and consequence are very present and at the end of the game, you are shown the results of your actions in a slideshow like with Fallout and Fallout 2.There are often different ways in which to tackle certain quests and the ones open to you will depend on the build and development of your character.Fallout: New Vegas has a wide range of interesting weapons and futures iron sights, as opposed to fallout 3. The desert/vegas setting is very fun and interesting. Music choice and DJ is very good (though the only point at which fallout 3 was better).I ended up putting over 200 hours playtime into and unlocked all achievements, just because it was fun. Real score 9.2/10.

Review by cub317 [user]

All I can say about this game right off the bat, is that it is right up there with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as one of the greatest videoAll I can say about this game right off the bat, is that it is right up there with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as one of the greatest video games I have ever played. While most critics would like to disagree with me, I actually like this game better than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was a pretty fun game, however, there was just so much more to this game that made me love it just a little more. At first, I was not too sure about the idea behind this game. I felt like Obsidian Entertainment was taking the Call of Duty approach with this game (Making the game on the exact same engine, little to no improvements to it whatsoever). However, when I finally bought this game on my PC, my concerns were put to rest when I realized that this game was actually very different from Fallout 3. The engine was not improved at all, however, the gameplay has changed in some very good ways. It still retains the action RPG gameplay of Fallout 3, but this time around, there is much more to it. Now, you have to pick perks every two levels instead of picking one every level. Shooter fanboys will also be happy to know that you can now fire down-sights for more accuracy. Guns are also much more accurate now than they were in Fallout 3. In Fallout 3, you had to hold down the aim button for greater accuracy. Now, doing this is no longer necessary, as the guns are all accurate without it. Also, the karma system from Fallout 3 has been changed into a reputation system. Reputation depicts how certain factions and towns like you, while others dislike you. This is a very good system, and I wish it was done more often in other games, as it allows people of one town to worship you, while people in another want nothing more than to see you dead. Other than these features, the gameplay is not all that different from that of Fallout 3, however, that's a good thing, as Fallout 3's gameplay was fantastic. It still has Fallout 3's RPG mixed with shooter gameplay, which is enough to really make this game enjoyable. The graphics of this game are also excellent. They do not really improve much from Fallout 3, however, they are still quite good on their own right. Fallout 3 did manage to get the feel for the post-apocalyptic world better, but I think Fallout New Vegas is actually the better looking game. It just feels so much more alive than Fallout 3. Fallout 3 was barren, while Fallout New Vegas is exciting. The story of this game, while not as good as Fallout 3, is still good on its own right. Fallout 3's story was much more original than this game's. New Vegas' story is pretty much the stereotypical story of "someone tried to kill you, and it is up to you to find out who he is, and what he's after,". Cliched? Yes. Bad? Absolutely not! The story of New Vegas is actually done quite well, it just isn't Fallout 3's story. Still though, I do like how this game's story has much more to do with Fallout 1 and 2 than Fallout 3 did. After all, Fallout 3 was set in Washington D.C., while all of the others were set out West. Another thing that's awesome about this game's story is that you have much more control over how the game ends, through both reputation, and how you handle the game's quests. You can choose one of four paths in this game (for the main quest), and all four are generally enjoyable to play through. It also shows the endings of all the other minor factions you chose to either help or destroy during the course of the game. I also like how this game just ends, and does not let you go back after beating the game. Most people did not like this, but I actually did. I thought it was a thoroughly enjoyable way for your game to just end. Still though, there are a few problems with this game. For one, there are a lot of bugs in this game. They are nothing to bad however, just minor hiccups here and there. Also however, I did have a bit of a mixed reaction towards the game's DLC's. I liked two of them (Honest Hearts, Lonesome Road), was not so sure about one (Old World Blues), and completely disliked the last one (Dead Money). These DLCs do not affect my opinion on this game as a whole however. Overall, this game is a truly fantastic game. Its story may not be Fallout 3, but it does beat it in terms of both gameplay and graphics. This game really is what Fallout 3 would have been if the original developer had stayed in business.

发布日期 2010年10月19日
发布者 Obsidian Entertainment, Bandai Namco Entertainment, 1C/Cenega, Bethesda Softworks
总评分 84%
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 第一人称, 第三人
类型 角色扮演(RPG), 射手
主题 行动, 生存, 科幻小说, 开放世界, 沙盒, 隐形
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 3, Xbox 360