


想过以 140mph 的速度奔跑是什么感觉吗?FOTONICA》是一款第一人称游戏,讲述的是速度的快感和在复杂环境中完美穿行的感觉。FOTONICA 非常简单,但并不容易:它继承了街机游戏的传统,容易上手,但几乎不可能精通。八条不同赛道的多层次关卡设计,加上程序化的无尽模式,使这款游戏具有令人难以置信的深度。觉得自己能跑赢朋友?试试分屏对战挑战吧。

Fotonica 激活说明

Fotonica 评论和评级

Review by TantFuriosa [user]

Although I liked the feeling of speed in Fotonica it was so hard I couldn't get past level 2. That failure is on me I guess. Still even if IAlthough I liked the feeling of speed in Fotonica it was so hard I couldn't get past level 2. That failure is on me I guess. Still even if I could progress I can't picture me playing this for more than an hour or two. It got boring for me pretty quickly and I didn't feel that had to do with my inability to play.

Review by Eyoldaith [user]

It's an endless (or not, depending on what mode you play) runner, accompanied by great music and nice, stylized graphics. It looks a lot likeIt's an endless (or not, depending on what mode you play) runner, accompanied by great music and nice, stylized graphics. It looks a lot like the old vector-based games.It's a great way to kill some time if you're bored, and when you get into your groove you can keep on playing it for a pretty long time.

Review by smilzoboboz [user]

A good game that falls short only on longevity/re-playability.While both graphics and music are extremely fitting and well made once youA good game that falls short only on longevity/re-playability.While both graphics and music are extremely fitting and well made once you finish the game you have 2 choices to continue playing it: try to "beat" the game (100% complete) or enjoy 3 "simple" (as in not-complex) endless mode maps.So if you're the "achievement" guy who wants everything 100% complete you may have earned yourself a lot more playtime, otherwise you will get bored pretty soon playing the same "simple" endless maps.Procedurally generated levels with themes from the arcade one would have gotten this game 10/10.That said every bit of time I spent on this game was fun and, probably, even the time I'm going to spend on it when I want to relax a bit will be fun just as much.Totally recommended to anyone.

Review by SpazioGames

FOTONICA is a one-button endless runner that knows how to hypnotize the player with its wonderful trance music and well-implemented vectorial graphics.

Review by

Fotonica brings a minimal design with an original concept, with a level of depth that you wouldn't imagine for a single-button game. The PC version is now also enjoyable with up to other three players, thanks to the improvement to the local split-screen multiplayer.

发布日期 2011年7月17日
发布者 Santa Ragione
游戏模式 多人游戏, 单人游戏
球员视角 第一人称
类型 独立, 商场, 平台
主题 行动
平台 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS, Ouya