


A rogue-lite hack and slash dungeon crawler in which Zagreus, son of Hades the Greek god of the dead, attempts to escape his home and his oppressive father by fighting the souls of the dead through the various layers of the ever-shifting underworld, while getting to know and forging relationships with its inhabitants.


Zagreus, the son of Hades, has discovered that his mother, which he was led to believe was Nyx, Night Incarnate, is actually someone else, and is outside Hell. He is now attempting to escape his father's domain, with the help of the other gods of Olympus, in an attempt to find his real mother.

Hades 激活说明

Hades 评论和评级

Review by Vishal99 [user]
June 5, 2022

There is simply no flaw in this game. IT. IS. PERFECT. Visuals, gameplay, music, voice acting, controls, variety and replying ability, andThere is simply no flaw in this game. IT. IS. PERFECT. Visuals, gameplay, music, voice acting, controls, variety and replying ability, and even story. Usually I dont care about story and my main focus is gameplay but I liked the story as well and how they weaved the narrative for their game design is perfect. Also I would suggest to forge bond with everyone you can and dont skip dialogs, some of Thesus' and World narrator's lines were so funny that I had pause because I was laughing so hard. This game is absolute gold. I played it on gamepass but I would strongly recommend to buy it as it is 100+ hrs (because you won't be able to stop once endgame starts) and it is cheap in fact you might get it with price of gamepass or less that that on discount days. Dont skip

Review by Burgigham [user]
May 18, 2022

aside from asphodel everything about this game shines with brilliance. the story, music, art, gameplay, and charachters have held my attentionaside from asphodel everything about this game shines with brilliance. the story, music, art, gameplay, and charachters have held my attention for over 100 runs and i fully expect them to do so for 100 more

Review by Kindlar [user]
March 9, 2022

This game was excellent!It was my second roguelike, and wow did it not disappoint. I found myself always itching for one more run.IThis game was excellent!It was my second roguelike, and wow did it not disappoint. I found myself always itching for one more run.I loved the story arcs, love the world, love the style, love the music.If you aren't sure you like roguelite, and enjoy the style, give this a try, it will really set the bar on future ventures into this genre.There is greatness in this games, it's in the blood.

Review by Kai82 [user]
December 28, 2021

An amazing game that won me totally over. It is an action RPG / rouge-like game. You are playing Zagreus who is the son of Hades the Greek godAn amazing game that won me totally over. It is an action RPG / rouge-like game. You are playing Zagreus who is the son of Hades the Greek god of the underworld. Zagreus tries to escape his fathers realm. He is supported by his mother Nyx who even informed the other Greek gods that will help him. However there is far more to the story than it seems at first. You will discover secrets, reveals, twists and know your family, friends, acquaintances and other gods better. I must praise the characters and writing. The Greek legends are full of conflicts between the gods and those are all related to each other. This is transferred well into the game. They are like a family with a lot of problems. The game even won the literary Hugo Award to give you some perspective how good it is. For me this was amazing and I continued even after obtaining the platinum trophy to see the outcomes of some stories. It is well written, enjoyable and gives you always something to kept your interest. The gameplay is like I said a rouge-like RPG. You start each escape run with no abilities and advance through the rooms of the underworld. Each room has rewards like abilities, benefits, items or currencies. Sometimes you can chose between options. This was something I was worried about but it is not the weakness I thought. It is a true strength. In approx 100 runs I never encounter a truly weak set up. I discovered instead some amazing abilities, combinations and different options. Even some abilities I avoided first were good, some even worth reversing my opinion. For example: My least liked weapon became my favorite and the weapon I thought was best became my least used (The game has an interesting system in teasing you to chose different weapons). I admit that I use some abilities or better said set up more often but the different set ups keep it fresh. The next strength are the things you can unlock. There are so many helpful things. Be it new weapons, helpful rooms, appearing treasures, cosmetic set ups, abilities and bonuses. You always have new stuff to do or unlock. Rarely ever have I encounter a game that succeeds in keeping everything this fresh and enjoyable. Then there is the graphic. The art style is excellent and I like the hand draw graphics. For games like this I would always buy an artbook. The music is even better. You will encounter many awesome tracks and there are 2 characters who maybe give you some of the best songs in the game. To round up this experience I did not encounter a single serious bug or glitch. Overall this is my favorite game of the year and deserves my full praise. Never have I encountered a game that keeps being this refreshing from start to finish. Be it the story or gameplay everything is excellent and well thought out. Even the difficulty is correctly balanced as god mode gives you more resistance with each death until you don't die easily. A well thought out system. An easy 10/10 for me.

Review by xaviar_nl [user]
December 28, 2021

I am normally not into rogue-likes/-lites but Hades really works for me. The difficulty builds up very nicely, and gameplay is action-packedI am normally not into rogue-likes/-lites but Hades really works for me. The difficulty builds up very nicely, and gameplay is action-packed and very addictive ("Just one more round!"). Really recommend this one if you want a nice game of hack-and-slash.

发布日期 December 7, 2018
发布者 Supergiant Games, Netflix, Secret 6
总评分 92%
内容评级 T (Teen)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 鸟瞰图/等距图
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG), 独立, 砍杀/殴打
主题 行动, 戏剧, 幻想
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, iOS