Hunter's Arena: Legends



Chasse aux monstres, montée en puissance, raids dans les donjons, jeu en groupe, JcJ et bien plus encore ! Dans Hunter's Arena, vous pouvez expérimenter tout le contenu que vous avez apprécié dans les MMORPG en un match de 30 minutes. Choisissez l'un des 10 personnages et survivez aux autres joueurs, à 20 boss et à 10 000 monstres.

Hunter's Arena: Legends 激活说明

Hunter's Arena: Legends 评论和评级

Review by Ecolar [user]
19 septembre 2021

After 26 hours of gameplay (on PS5) and with a platinum trophy almost completed, i can finally give a review to this game.GRAPHIC (RatingAfter 26 hours of gameplay (on PS5) and with a platinum trophy almost completed, i can finally give a review to this game.GRAPHIC (Rating 6/10) :I’m not gonna waste to much time here. The graphics is good for characters but nothing special about environment, particles and visual effects.INTERFACE (Rating 4/10):The interface is very simple, easy to navigate but when you start queue for a match, the game don’t allow the player to change window and check other features.I’m a player that like to check other in game features while waiting the matchmaking, like checking other characters skills or shop offers. Not having the possibility to do that is a big loss.COMBAT (Rating 2/10):The mechanics are simple, it’s a battle royale after all, you have to fight against other players and monsters and being the last one standing. BUT! The combat is slow and clunky, hard to combo skills and basic attack. Most of the time, a fight against another player is just a spam of basic attacks. The first who hit gonna gain an insane advantage, forcing the other to use the evade skill or the block skill. In both cases it gonna end up again in a run and catch with basic attacks where the first who hit again, gonna win.The skills are slow on activation, especially the ultimate skill it’s almost useless because the enemy player will avoid 90% of the time. Many times i saw my skills hitting the enemy but doing no damage, like i was fighting a ghost. Most of the time it happens with Jun’s grab sword.The terrain is a trap for ranged character, fighting monsters or players on a slope terrain, will make your attacks going under the terrain texture, resulting into a missing hit. You need to target lock the player and wait a second before start the combo to avoid this problem, but while doing that you risk to being killed.CHARACTERS BALANCE (Rating 0/10):Not much to say, play Dalgi, Jun, Momo, Wukong and Ara sometimes, i rarely saw the other characters. Dalgi is really broken, even if its a melee, it’s hard to run from her. The balance in this game not exists at all, even if each character skill set is well structured (e.g. all characters have the main CC on the L1+Square skill), some have just a bigger hit box that will make them easy to be killed, while others have skill animations that looks buggy and lags (e.g. Dalgi L1+X).The skills descriptions are poor and most of the time not explain correctly what the skill can do.For example the L1+Triangle of Wukong, should evade an attack while leaving a clone and turn you invisible, well, if you are targeting the enemy, that skill make your character dash at the enemy and becoming invisible, also, any attack that reach wukong while the animation is ongoing wont’ be evaded, but will do damage. The same for the pole skill, the description says it makes Wukong invincible while on his pole but it’s not true.The basic idea was cool, i’ve always waited for a battle royale game that take action inside a fantasy world with RPG aspects, instead of always be an FPS game or TPS, but sadly that’s not the title that i was looking for…

Review by Screen Rant
8 août 2021

Some areas of the game do need some improvement, with certain Hunters being a little too strong at launch and button inputs not completely registering in combat engagements, leading to moments of confusion when a Hunter doesn't do what they should. However, Mantisco has already released a patch within the first week to improve the game at time of writing, which indicates the potential for swift improvements to any shortcomings at release. All things considered, Hunter's Arena: Legends is definitely a battle royale game that fans should check out, with enough of its own identity to seriously contend for people's time in an increasingly crowded genre of quality options.

Review by FaderFox [user]
3 août 2021

The game is just awful. Horror 5 fps. Graphics 2000. My God ... The game even on weak PCs looks bad. And about the release on ps4 and ps5,The game is just awful. Horror 5 fps. Graphics 2000. My God ... The game even on weak PCs looks bad. And about the release on ps4 and ps5, I will not say anything.

发布日期 15 juillet 2020
发布者 Matisco
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社, 大型多人在线游戏(MMO)
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG), 战略
主题 行动
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5