父游戏: Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault



正当防卫 3:机甲陆地突击》是《海陆空扩展通关》中的第二个 PDLC 包。潜入神秘的秘密岛屿 Lacrima,解救被残忍的黑手党士兵囚禁的叛军。劫持功能强大的机甲,使用其不可思议的重力武器将敌人掷成碎片。

该内容包包括一个全新的岛屿、任务、挑战、两台配备 GRIP 重力武器的全副武装机甲、Bavarium Power Core 能量步枪和一个叛军机甲伙伴,所有这些都可以带入主游戏。

Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault 激活说明

Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault 评论和评级

Review by Destructoid

Mech Land Assault falls completely flat. The mechs are great, but they also make missions and liberating towns way too easy (the same way the jetpack made flying way too easy and thereby less interesting). There are only two missions, both of which are completely bland. Oh, and also you're forced to liberate the entire DLC island because if there is one thing that people were clamoring for, it was more town liberations. Good lord, is this season pass over yet?

Review by EGM

Just Cause 3: Mech Land Assault is a fun little add-on for Avalanche Studios’ latest sandbox adventure, but considering the overall lack of content and its relatively steep price point, you might need to be really desperate to get back into Just Cause 3 if you’re using this as your excuse. Still, what is here is enjoyable, and much better balanced than what we saw in Sky Fortress, showing Avalanche Studios is at least moving in the right direction with this post-launch content—and giving me hope for the final chapter in the three-part DLC season pass.

Review by Areajugones

Mech Land Assault is the best DLC that Just Cause 3 has. It has lots of new features and a new huge map. However, its missions are really simple and its duration too short.

Review by ICXM

Definitely unique. It's more of a DLC than an expansion, but the new Mech challenges grant you some upgraded powers to unlock. It doesn't completely overhaul the game like Sky Fortress, but it contains excellent additions that simply beg you to try them out for the excitement factor alone.

发布日期 2016年6月3日
发布者 Avalanche Studios, Square Enix
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险
主题 行动, 开放世界, 沙盒
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One