Metroid Dread


Metroid Dread



加入星际赏金猎人萨姆斯-阿兰(Samus Aran)的行列,体验她 19 年来的首个全新 2D Metroid 故事。萨姆斯的故事延续了《Metroid Fusion》游戏中的情节,她来到 ZDR 星球,调查发给银河系联邦的一份神秘电报。这个遥远的星球已经被邪恶的外星生物和令人不寒而栗的机械威胁所占领。萨姆斯比以往任何时候都更加敏捷和能干,但她能否战胜潜伏在 ZDR 深处的非人类威胁?

面对无情的 E.M.M.I.机器人:它们曾经是提取 DNA 的研究机器,现在正在追杀萨姆斯。你要躲避这些 E.M.M.I.,避免残酷的死亡,同时找到击倒它们的方法。找出是什么让这些机器人变成了 ZDR 的祸害,然后逃出生天。

在获得操作和能力的同时,感受萨姆斯力量的增长:在穿越这个危险世界的多种环境时,获得新的和熟悉的能力。在障碍物上跑酷、在狭小空间中滑行、对抗敌人,在这个星球上一路战斗。返回各个区域,使用新能力寻找升级、备用路径和前进道路。探索广阔的地图,躲避并摧毁 E.M.M.I. 机器人,战胜困扰 ZDR 的恐惧。

Metroid Dread 激活说明

Metroid Dread 评论和评级

Review by Huyjustin [user]

The game quite short doesn't mean it bad at all, it's a perfect mix between gameplay and story. Dreading you every step with E.M.M.Is sounds!

Review by weasleyes [user]

This is a near perfect game. The game never crashed during gameplay. I did not run into a single bug in my play through. Both of these coupledThis is a near perfect game. The game never crashed during gameplay. I did not run into a single bug in my play through. Both of these coupled with a subtle but excellent story and top tier gameplay give me a lot of content to praise here. There is a reason metroid spawned an entire genre of game and this game shows why. The only complaints i had is that frames dropped a couple of times during end game high effect laiden moments and I did not like the double jump implementation here. There was an odd timing window that is so excessively different than on intuitively would think for a double jump in a game like this that it consistently felt odd and led to a lot of deaths. two small complaints for a game that excels in every other regard.

Review by We Got This Covered

Metroid Dread can't commit to giving players an action-packed power fantasy or a suspenseful adventure against the odds. It's quick, short, and snappy -- all things that can be good when used right, but not at all what Metroid Dread set out to deliver.

Review by Ripper36 [user]

Wow, what a hell of a game. Have always loved Metriod since 1989 on the NES. Weather its Prime or side scroller, i love them all. GraphicsWow, what a hell of a game. Have always loved Metriod since 1989 on the NES. Weather its Prime or side scroller, i love them all. Graphics are just top notch. Cut scenes to gameplay its a pretty game. The controls are great and the story is pretty good so far(just beat 4th boss) so i have more to play. But from what i have played i love. Brings in oldskool gamers to modern perfectly. You will die a few times before u get farther but its worth it. Great job NIntendo!

Review by Nintendo Life

Metroid Dread is a triumphant return for both Samus Aran and developer MercurySteam. This is a super-slick, hugely entertaining and exquisitely designed entry in the Metroid franchise that plays better than anything we've seen from the series so far. With a bunch of fantastic new abilities, super tense and enjoyable stealth sections, plenty of great big boss fights and a story that fans will definitely enjoy, we can't really see how this one could have been any better. Best Metroid game ever? This could be the one.

发布日期 N/A
发布者 Nintendo
类型 射手
平台 Nintendo DS