Quake Champions



地震。是。回来了。快速、基于技能的竞技场式竞赛让最初的《雷神之锤》游戏成为多人游戏的传奇,而《雷神之锤冠军》又将凯旋归来。id Software 的新款多人射击游戏以令人印象深刻的 120hz 无锁定帧速率运行,准备再次掀起 PC 游戏风暴。

Quake Champions 激活说明

Quake Champions 评论和评级

Review by abdu321 [user]

i love quake champions its fast and its reminds me to call of duty and old quake games and its fast but it has a godd charcters too

Review by realkinko [user]

This is a great game. It's super fun to play, but it's a shame that it's barely playable because no one is playing it so the queue times areThis is a great game. It's super fun to play, but it's a shame that it's barely playable because no one is playing it so the queue times are unfortunately too long.

Review by ThePlayer69 [user]

The game is ok as desig however there are various problems: characters are unbalanced with some OP compared to others.Often you select playThe game is ok as desig however there are various problems: characters are unbalanced with some OP compared to others.Often you select play with computer player and you are chucked into a game of players which you didnt sign up for. The player system is a mess, the game would put top players with absolute newbies which again is no no. very dissapointing...expected something else from this game but the games will not always move into a good direction.

Review by nikitka89 [user]

As competitive as it gets, this game is a great sequel to quake 3 arena. Great visuals and nice addition of new mechanics on top of classicAs competitive as it gets, this game is a great sequel to quake 3 arena. Great visuals and nice addition of new mechanics on top of classic arena shooter. Must play for all the fps action fans.

发布日期 2017年8月22日
发布者 id Software, Bethesda Softworks, Saber Interactive
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 多人游戏, 单人游戏
球员视角 第一人称
类型 射手
主题 行动, 科幻小说
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows)