Risk of Rain 2




Klasyczny roguelike dla wielu graczy, Risk of Rain, powraca z dodatkowym wymiarem i bardziej wymagającą akcją


Dzięki losowym etapom, przeciwnikom, bossom i przedmiotom żadna rozgrywka nie będzie już taka sama. Graj solo lub w drużynie z maksymalnie czterema znajomymi, aby przedrzeć się przez hordy potworów, odblokować nowe łupy i znaleźć sposób na ucieczkę z planety.

Z każdym biegiem poznasz wzorce swoich wrogów, a nawet najdłuższe przeciwności można pokonać przy wystarczających umiejętnościach. Unikalny system skalowania oznacza, że zarówno ty, jak i twoi wrogowie bez ograniczeń zwiększają swoją moc w trakcie gry - to, co kiedyś było walką z bossem, z czasem stanie się wspólnym wrogiem.

W Risk 2 powracają niezliczeni ocalali, przedmioty, wrogowie i bossowie, a do walki dołącza wielu nowych. Zupełnie nowi ocalali, tacy jak Artificer i MUL-T, debiutują obok klasycznych ocalałych, takich jak Inżynier, Łowczyni i - oczywiście - Komandos.

Z ponad 75 przedmiotami do odblokowania i wykorzystania, każdy bieg sprawi, że będziesz sprytnie strategować wyjście z trudnych sytuacji.


Risk of Rain 2 podąża za załogą UES : Safe Travels, próbując odnaleźć UES : Contact Light i wszystkich ocalałych na ich drodze. Muszą spróbować przetrwać wrogą dziką przyrodę i środowisko, ponieważ trudność wzrasta z czasem, poruszając się po Petrichor V za pomocą teleporterów rozsianych po całej planecie. Załoga w nieskończoność przemierza wiele różnych środowisk, ale kończy na księżycu, aby pokonać ostatecznego bossa.

Risk of Rain 2 激活说明

Risk of Rain 2 评论和评级

Review by TomMonday [user]
7 lipca 2022

A highly addictive game that gives you a skull-pounding headache due to the unrestrained chaos generated by hordes of enemies. My eyes wereA highly addictive game that gives you a skull-pounding headache due to the unrestrained chaos generated by hordes of enemies. My eyes were literally bloodshot from playing this admittedly great action title for hours on a long flight. Smooth 3D graphics and groovy music and lots of customised characters hook you into the alien world. But like the first one, the frenetic experience becomes overwhelming after a while. Like too much porn, continuing to play this game makes you feel overexcited yet hollow.

Review by doesitmatter88 [user]
11 lutego 2022

The cons out way the pros.Cons:- The graphics are basic (to say is nicely), you couldn't round some corner on your objects so it doesn'tThe cons out way the pros.Cons:- The graphics are basic (to say is nicely), you couldn't round some corner on your objects so it doesn't look like kindergarten block set?- Generally unpolished, even after multiple updates. Slow downs happen often on a PS4 Pro.- Tele-porters are stuck in weird locations, monster spawns sometimes means you can't continue without just restarting.- Unless something changes after 5+ hours with the enemies, the design is extremely similar across enemies and the way they deal damage.- Having played a run for 1+ hour with just dying on the last boss having 15% health left, doesn' fill me with excitement to continue if you don't give anything in return.- Attacks are difficult to follow and understand . Both for how much damage they may do (a big blue orb can half your health, while an exploding enemy of the same size does almost nothing).- This is more personal but the last level is way too long, in general its a 6+ stepped boss with recycling the same boss and enemies again and again.Pros:+ Gun play is great+ The upgrades are well designed.It's extremely repetitive without many returning gains. If you would be able to keep one an upgrade after a run (or multiple runs with the same upgrade) at least you're playing for something.

Review by KJXZERO [user]
19 stycznia 2022

I was hoping for a fun game given how everyone gushes over it. All I got was boring shooter with find the door sim added into it. I normallyI was hoping for a fun game given how everyone gushes over it. All I got was boring shooter with find the door sim added into it. I normally don't get bored easily, but I found myself that way. Everything going crazy and can't see item details when I pick something up. Even when I'm paused. Wasted my 8 dollars, thank god only that. Will play for a couple more hours, not expecting any better.

Review by NindieSpotlight [user]
17 grudnia 2021

Having played both the original Risk of Rain and the Early Access version of this sequel on PC I’m pretty well-acquainted with both the levelHaving played both the original Risk of Rain and the Early Access version of this sequel on PC I’m pretty well-acquainted with both the level of challenge it provides, and of how chaotic the combat can tend to get in a hurry if you don’t keep up with the spawn rate of your enemies in spots. In many ways they aren’t very nuanced, your objective is to move through environments as quickly as you can, killing enemies along the way, in search of the teleportation shrine that will move you to the next area. Every moment you waste essentially powers up your enemies but that can also be a positive as blowing through a horde or two will give you some loot to spend at randomly-placed boxes, kiosks, 3D printers, and equipment like healing drones or defensive guns. Each stage then culminates in a challenging blow out boss fight. A load of classes, including a new one added in the latest patch, and the ability to team up online all make for plenty of ways to engage in great action… just be warned that if you’re seeking context, story, or nuance that isn’t what this game is about. It’s much more of a throwback conceptually to the days of arcades where the onslaught needed no explanation, you just needed to be ready to do as much damage as you can to get as far as you can before dying… and then starting all over again.https://www.nindiespotlight.com/2021/08/mini-reviews-august-20th-edition.html

Review by LordOfTheHobos [user]
30 listopada 2021

Certainly one of my favorite games, it carries almost all of the charm from the first game over. If I had to say one critique would be thatCertainly one of my favorite games, it carries almost all of the charm from the first game over. If I had to say one critique would be that the game is lacking slightly in content in particular areas, such as alternate survivor moves.

发布日期 28 marca 2019
发布者 Gearbox Publishing, Hopoo Games
总评分 86%
内容评级 T (Teen)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 射手, 独立
主题 行动, 生存, 科幻小说
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia