Rogue Lords



Temný fantasy roguelike, kde hrajete za ďábla! Veďte slavné ďábelské génie skrze události a tahové souboje a šiřte teror a korupci.

Vytvářejte součinnost mezi svými žáky, využívejte své ďábelské síly a pomstěte se těm mizerným lovcům démonů.

příběhová linie

Poražen před mnoha měsíci se konečně vracíš se svými nejvěrnějšími učedníky, aby ses pomstil těm mizerným Lovcům démonů. Hrajte runu za runou a sbírejte prastaré artefakty, abyste znovu získali svou moc a zaujali zpět své právoplatné místo.

Rogue Lords 激活说明

Rogue Lords 评论和评级

Review by GameCritics
31. května 2022

As someone who plays all the roguelike deckbuilders that come to console, Rogue Lords is the best one to cross my path in quite some time. The art, characters and theming are all great, the mechanics are intricate and interesting, and although there are a few rough patches, the campaign can be completed without devoting hundreds and hundreds of failed runs to it. For anyone who enjoys the genre, this one’s fangs are satisfyingly sharp.

Review by GameSpew
4. května 2022

Rogue Lords, then, isn’t a roguelike for the masses. And even those keen on the genre might not gel with it. The long-term rewards just aren’t all that rewarding, especially with each run feeling like a slog. And while its unique mechanics separate it from its peers, they also overcomplicate matters. Still, its horror theme is definitely alluring, so roguelike fans who like a bit of darkness might want to give it a go.

Review by Hey Poor Player
21. října 2021

Rogue Lords is an innovative mix of roguelike and RPG elements with clever new concepts to tax your tactical mind. There’s a constant one-more-encounter compulsivity as you look to make your band of villains ever more powerful, and a huge scope for creativity provided by the reality-bending devil mode. For an entertainingly strategic experience where you have free license to indulge your dark side and wreak havoc with a variety of ghosts and ghouls, Rogue Lords will sate your wicked desires.

Review by GamingTrend
11. října 2021

Rogue Lords is a fine game with some novel systems for lovers of roguelites to play around with, but it will not grab your attention long enough to keep you coming back. Given its premise and stellar art design, that’s a shame.

Review by Hooked Gamers
6. října 2021

Rogue Lords borrows quite a bit from other popular games, but it isn't really worse for wear because of it. Players looking for something completely fresh may be disappointed by the strong similarities with games like Slay the Spire and Darkest Dungeon, but the unique visual design and combat twists push this sternly into the "more of a good thing isn't a bad thing" category for me. If you like roguelikes and turn-based squad combat, this is the perfect game to spend some time with as we enter the early days of the Halloween season.

发布日期 30. září 2021
发布者 Leikir Studio, Cyanide Studio, Nacon
内容评级 T (Teen)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 鸟瞰图/等距图, 第三人
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG), 独立, 战略, 纸牌和棋盘游戏
主题 幻想
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S