Rust 是一款由 Facepunch Studios 开发的多人生存游戏。它最初于 2013 年 12 月以抢先体验的形式发布,并于 2018 年 2 月正式发布。该游戏可在 Windows、macOS、PlayStation 4 和 Xbox One 上玩。Rust 的主要目标是在恶劣的荒野环境中使用收集或偷来的材料生存。玩家必须管理他们的饥饿、口渴和健康状况,抵御敌对的动物和其他玩家,并建造基地以保护自己。游戏具有制作、突袭和 PvP 战斗功能,重点是生存和领土统治。
Rust 的背景故事围绕着神秘的钴公司展开,该公司进行基因研究以追求永生。该公司在 1960 年代在苏联的帮助下接管了该岛,苏联提供了资源和技术。钴的实验导致在岛上建立了各种设施和基础设施。然而,苏联解体和随后的政治变化迫使钴公司放弃了该岛,留下了一个辐射废墟。在现在,该岛表现出奇怪的特性,例如死去的实体能够再生,吸引了美国政府的注意,后者将其用作囚犯的测试场。
Rust 设置在一个神秘的岛屿上,远离人烟,位于大西洋中部的某个地方。游戏世界是一个开放的环境,具有程序生成的地图和一些预建区域。玩家从最少的资源开始,必须探索岛屿以收集材料,面临来自野生动物、环境危害和其他玩家的威胁。岛屿的历史与钴公司有关,该公司在过去进行基因研究,留下了其设施的遗迹。氛围紧张,在曾经有人居住的岛屿废墟中不断挣扎求生。
在 Rust 中,玩家从一块石头和一把火炬开始,用它们来收集木材和石头等基本材料。最初的重点是建造一个避难所,以防御环境威胁和其他玩家。玩家必须制作工具、武器和衣服以提高生存几率。探索岛屿对于寻找资源、蓝图和战利品至关重要。玩家可以结成联盟或加入氏族以增加生存几率。随着玩家的进步,他们可以建造更先进的基地,进行突袭其他玩家的基地,并参与 PvP 战斗。游戏的开放性允许玩家选择自己的道路,无论是作为独行的幸存者、氏族领袖还是掠夺者。
Rust 向玩家提出了几个挑战,包括管理饥饿、口渴和健康等基本生存需求。游戏世界中有狼和熊等敌对动物,构成了持续的威胁。然而,主要的危险来自其他玩家,他们可能会攻击、突袭或背叛他人以获得资源。玩家还必须应对放射区和恶劣天气条件等环境危害。制作和基地建设需要战略性方法,因为资源有限,必须谨慎管理。此外,游戏的 PvP 战斗可能是激烈且无情的,要求玩家在进攻和防御方面都要有技能。持续的世界意味着玩家还必须应对离线突袭和基地衰变,增加了保持其辛苦获得的进度的挑战。
Rust 激活说明
Rust 评论和评级
One of the best games iv ever played, please do not take the comments from 2016 or before as actual critique, this game has evolved past anyOne of the best games iv ever played, please do not take the comments from 2016 or before as actual critique, this game has evolved past any expectation of mine and I highly recommend it.
Have played this game for over a year, I have 3639 hours played and I had to fight nonstop to enjoy myself at all for like a hour or so at aHave played this game for over a year, I have 3639 hours played and I had to fight nonstop to enjoy myself at all for like a hour or so at a time. Developed a system to run rig with just a compound bow and they nerfed rig to nolonger have recycler. Got into using balloons and they blocked the windows so theres only one exit (balloons land near to random and sometimes you will find your door in front of a wall and then you realize the balloon is stuck... only two options then, destroy balloon with 1k+ health or just /kill and come back for body, when you used to just use the other two portholes) and implemented newer flying vehicles that aren't necessary and break the game more than rig could. The graphics are sh!t, the game runs like @ss, and the people are all d!cks due to their constant struggle with the game. Personally don't understand why all games have to be so **** I came to this game hoping for inspiration and encouragement that the game industry is doing well because its a bit of a indie title and 76 went around saying it was gonna be a rust clone before it released buggy and broken... like this one. At least their halfway honest I guess. Don't buy. Not even on steam sale. I wouldn't even recommend playing for free because it is so frustrating, hurts the eyes and has no true depth or fun anymore. They just keep making the game worse too. I had better graphics when i started and now it looks worse than minecraft... which is really saying something.
Rust goes where no other survival game has and provides an incredibly threatening experience that, like a car accident, is equal parts horrifying and mystifying.
For competitive players who want a mix of survival and crafting, Rust is the best there is; for everyone else, there are plenty of other games.
Rust is a malicious experience rife with betrayal, cruelty and greed. That can make it both frustrating and sublime in equal doses.
发布日期 | 2018年2月8日 |
发布者 | Facepunch Studios, Double Eleven |
内容评级 | M (Mature) |
游戏模式 | 多人游戏, 合作社, 大型多人在线游戏(MMO) |
球员视角 | 第一人称 |
类型 | 探险, 角色扮演(RPG), 射手, 独立 |
主题 | 行动, 生存 |
平台 | Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One |