




在《古墓丽影崛起》之后的两个月里,劳拉和她的朋友乔纳-马亚瓦致力于阻止准军事组织 Trinity 的活动。两人追踪到墨西哥科苏梅尔的一个小组,该小组由三位一体高级理事会主席佩德罗-多明格斯(Pedro Dominguez)领导。劳拉悄悄潜入附近正在被 "三位一体 "发掘的古墓,发现了一座藏有 "查克-切尔匕首 "的神庙,以及一座隐藏城市的遗迹。墙壁上的壁画暗指伊克斯-切尔的银盒,并警告说 "大清洗 "是玛雅人的天启,最终会导致永久性日食。劳拉无视这些警告,拿走了匕首,以防止特尼狄获得它。多明戈斯抓住了她,并揭露说,拉拉拿走匕首,就引发了 "大清洗"。他拿走了匕首,打算将匕首和黑匣子结合起来阻止清洗,并利用匕首赋予他的力量按照自己的形象重塑世界。海啸摧毁了科苏梅尔岛,预示着世界末日即将来临,劳拉和乔纳从海啸中逃了出来。
尽管拉拉和乔纳之间因多明戈斯的行为而日益紧张,但他们还是追到了亚马逊。他们的飞机在第二次大灾难--大风暴--期间坠毁在秘鲁丛林中,两人找到了壁画中的隐秘城市派提提。探索当地的古墓后发现,用匕首刺穿宝盒会赋予使用者库库尔坎神的力量,而这种力量必须用来阻止 "清洗"。劳拉目睹了特尼狄士兵被奇怪的人形怪物屠杀的场面,这些怪物后来被确认为 "宝盒 "的守护者--亚克西尔人。劳拉救了一个名叫埃兹利的男孩,她和乔纳被他的母亲、城市女王乌努拉图带到了派提提。拉拉发现多明戈斯是一个崇拜库库尔坎的邪教组织的首领,而乌努拉图则揭露他就是她的姐夫阿马鲁,阿马鲁小时候被三位一体带走并抚养长大,以完成仪式并按照他们的形象重塑世界。乌努拉图指引劳拉去找黑匣子,但劳拉发现黑匣子不见了。拉拉和乌努拉图认为邪教已经得到了黑匣子,试图偷走它,但乌努拉图被抓获。劳拉还遇到了雅克西尔人和他们的首领深红之火。
劳拉潜入邪教的寺庙,听到阿马鲁告诉乌努拉图,黑匣子被安德烈斯-洛佩兹藏了起来,他是西班牙征服南美洲期间三一教派到派提提的传教士。拉拉救出了乌努拉图,并意识到阿马鲁并不完全了解这个仪式;这个仪式不仅仅是灌输库库尔坎的力量,而是牺牲库库尔坎来阻止清洗。乌努拉图被阿玛鲁的副手罗克指挥官射杀。乌努拉图临死前恳求劳拉完成仪式,但警告她不要让黑匣子影响自己。罗克袭击了劳拉和乔纳,两人在离开派提提破解下一条线索时失散。拉拉以为乔纳已经死了,于是大开杀戒,摧毁了一个炼油厂,屠杀了那里的所有人,只有洛克逃脱了。当她发现乔纳还活着时,瞬间崩溃了,但乔纳设法安抚了她,他们破译了黑匣子的位置。被黑匣子逼疯的洛佩兹在派提提附近建立了一个传教所,他在那里训练信徒完成仪式。劳拉和乔纳在传教士地下发现了一个秘密墓穴,通往洛佩兹的坟墓和黑匣子。阿马鲁发现了他们,并强迫劳拉交出黑匣子。他承认是自己下令杀死了她的父亲,以阻止他找到 Paititi 并将其公诸于世。拉拉试图说服阿玛鲁使用仪式来造福世界。他拒绝了,因为清洗只会影响到派提提。阿玛鲁利用他在三位一体中的地位操纵他们阻止了清洗。他让劳拉和约拿躲避第三次大灾难--大地震导致山体滑坡,摧毁了任务。
回到派提提后,劳拉和乔纳帮助新加冕的埃兹利率领部队袭击了派提提中心的一座地下庙宇。他们计划破坏阿玛鲁的仪式,同时避免第四次大灾难,即威胁到派提提的火山爆发。特尼狄切断了埃兹利的部队,劳拉被迫独自前行。她遇到了雅克西尔人和深红之火,说服他们帮助自己阻止阿玛鲁。劳拉象征性地扮演了 Ix Chel 的角色,而 Crimson Fire 则变成了 Chak Chel。雅克西尔人杀死了洛克和三位一体高级理事会,而劳拉却成功到达了神庙顶峰。她没能阻止阿玛鲁刺穿盒子,吸收库库尔坎的力量,因为日食挡住了太阳。拉拉在一场漫长的战斗后制服了阿马鲁;阿马鲁接受了失败,并在死后将库库尔坎的力量转移给了拉拉。拉拉听从了乌努拉图的警告,想用魔盒让父母复活,却让深红之火象征性地刺了她一刀,牺牲了库库尔坎的灵魂,阻止了大清洗。事后,乌努拉图安息了,约拿决定去度假。劳拉则留在派提提,帮助埃兹利恢复城市昔日的辉煌。在片尾字幕中,劳拉在克罗夫特庄园计划下一次冒险,她承认自己的职责不是解开世界之谜,而是保护世界。

Shadow of the Tomb Raider 激活说明

Shadow of the Tomb Raider 评论和评级

Review by BenzoSt [user]

Like the previous Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games, this is more of the same: amazing graphics, wonderfully detailed environment, funLike the previous Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games, this is more of the same: amazing graphics, wonderfully detailed environment, fun platforming, and satisfying challenge tombs. Combat is more stealth-oriented than previous games because you can now lurk in the foliage and backstab goons when they least suspect it. This is in a way good because it makes the game much more believable. Unfortunately, the emphasis on stealth invalidates the value in improving your combat-oriented skills and upgrading your weapons. The story and dialogue, which are once again emphasized, continue to be mediocre.

Review by guimaster90 [user]

This is not only the worst Lara Croft game this game is the one of the worst games I played in years. It is basically a walking simulator.

Review by Kingdim [user]

Why Tomb Raider, at the origin had great success ?Crazy level design and HARD puzzles (find keys, mechanism, try to find a way by climbing,Why Tomb Raider, at the origin had great success ?Crazy level design and HARD puzzles (find keys, mechanism, try to find a way by climbing, etc.), loneliness and immersion with great dark ambient music, precise gameplay (with a clear view where you can go or not), great OST, different kind of levels (for example, in TR2 you had China, Italy, a boat in the sea).What Is Shadow of the Tomb Raider ? A game that has nothing to do with Tomb Raider and its spirit, who died in the reboot in my opinion.So basically, it's a walking simulation, in a fake open world (you can't climb 80% of the stuff). 70% of the gameplay is hunting, picking stuffs (in nature or reading useless stuffs). Everything is scripted when you explore the tombs, you have no liberty at all and you have to take THE way the devs wanted you to take). YOU DON'T HAVE TO THINK, except for some littles puzzles in very few moments. The firts tomb raider were way HARDER and better in everything.Basically so : useless side quests, useless story, useless characters (yeah, the fat latino with you is useless, Lara needs to be alone and don't talk, the immersion in levels normally have to do the talk if you understand what I mean), broken stealth system, too many cutscenes and dialogues, you collect things that you will never use, the map system is horrible.The only thing positive is the aestheticism in the game, that's all.I finish the game in 20 hours in hard mode doing a big part part of the side quests (thing that would be unconceivable with the first tomb raider). 80% of my deaths were due to : stealth that doesn't work, broken gameplay when you climb etc). Basically it's a straight line, and if you try to think and try other possible ways, you will die...Tomb raider needs to stop trying to copy the other games and come back to what make the success : a very hard game with crazy level design, immersion (you have to feel trap where you are). No no no and no, tomb raider is NOT a RPG with quests with talks to useless characters. That's the fate of video games nowadays (unfortunately) : you wanna please for a large public to make money, with everything is scripted with no savor! TOMB RAIDER 1 is way better than this piece of s****, believe me !

Review by Cjmolina007 [user]

The first game was truly awesome and perfect way to bring back the series from the grave. The sequel was even better although I did think itThe first game was truly awesome and perfect way to bring back the series from the grave. The sequel was even better although I did think it started off pretty slowly but got better as the game progressed. With this one it started off strong but slowly started to lose my interest. Not because the story wasn't interesting but I just got kind of tired doing the same things over and over again. The new game play mechanics like hiding in the mud or having jaguars attack you was pretty neat but lost it's cool feeling after a while. I still enjoy it's mature theme and want that to continue for future games, but please give me my duel pistols.

Review by Split_Decay [user]

A fun playthrough, just feels samey as the previous in the trio collection. The game stands as a nice addition in rounding off an adventure ofA fun playthrough, just feels samey as the previous in the trio collection. The game stands as a nice addition in rounding off an adventure of Lara Croft. However, the game does more or less resemble the previous game just in a new location and story. What makes it good is the constants that were carried over, the ease of use combat for example or the easy traversing of the terrain. It is let down however by the seemingly same plot line just in a new dress.Don’t get me wrong I had a blast playing this game, it just felt monotonous at times, when you realise its practically the same action over and over again. The puzzle elements were fine, and added that little bit of head scratching challenge you would expect. The fight scenes, especially the final boss was fun to play. Even stealth was challenging to a point it was fun, and I hate stealth.Though the game has its ups, it does have its downs. The game plays much like previous instalments, unearth some ancient artefact leading to a wonderful hidden civilisation, while running away from a military organisation hellbent on killing you, all the while Lara keeps saying that everything bad that happens is her fault.That last bit leads me on to my final point. I get it Lara is an all action fighting machine, I mean she is a Tomb Raider, but by god can she not be so stubborn about everything. Someone dies or is injured, she’s all like I’m sorry this is all my fault. She gets injured, she doesn’t want anyone’s help. Its like she plays the good guy and bad guy at exactly the same time.The game then is a fun play, although it gets repetitive and the character personality does irritate me from time to time, it’s still a fun game nonetheless. I don’t know if there will be another game, but if there is let’s hope it’s as good this one if not better.

发布日期 2018年9月14日
发布者 Eidos Montréal, Feral Interactive, Nixxes Software, Square Enix, Crystal Dynamics
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 合作社, 单人游戏
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 射手, 拼图
主题 行动, 生存, 历史, 隐形, 神秘
平台 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia