Starship Corporation



星舰公司》(STARSHIP CORPORATION)是一款星舰建造模拟游戏,在这款游戏中,您必须为要求极高的全星系市场设计和建造飞船。您必须决定首先投资哪些技术,在哪里开设新办事处,在哪里建立新市场。您必须设计自己作品内部布局的每一个小细节,从舰桥、发动机、发电机和船员宿舍的位置,到每部电梯、走廊和电源线的位置。然后,您必须在一系列实时战略任务中测试您的飞船及其船员的能力,模拟紧急情况或战斗情况,测试您的飞船的极限--让竞争对手知道他们的对手是什么,从而赢得星际声誉。

Starship Corporation 激活说明

Starship Corporation 评论和评级

Review by akarnokd [user]

I backed this game over 6 (!) years ago and when it finally delivered, I was disappointed. The concept was interesting: build your own shipI backed this game over 6 (!) years ago and when it finally delivered, I was disappointed. The concept was interesting: build your own ship layout based on client requirements, sell it and profit. Unfortunately, the game got way more convoluted with star systems, trade, mining, combat etc. I failed a mission in the tutorial because I couldn't micromanage the test crew properly. At least there is an auto-resolve option for those tests but in that case, one likely never knows if there is a problem in the layout after all. The background music is nice but the UI sounds are still those high-pitched effects that annoyed me from very early on.

Review by Gaming Nexus

Starship Corporation has the features you would expect from a vehicle designer / guy-in-charge game, provided in an easy to use set of menus and helper screens. A thorough tutorial gives the player a good background for moving forward. We did encounter some stability issues, though.

Review by GameSpace

Starship Corporation is a mixed bag. The learning curve on shipbuilding is steep but well worth the time to master. The mission simulator is fun at first but becomes repetitious and predictable after a short while.

发布日期 2018年5月3日
发布者 Iceberg Interactive, Coronado Games
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 鸟瞰图/等距图
类型 独立, 模拟器, 战略
主题 科幻小说
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac