Super Animal Royale



选择你最喜欢的可爱凶残的狐狸、熊猫或树懒,跳伞进入 FURocious 64 人竞技场。探索一个自上而下的 2D 世界,这里充满了奇异的生物群落、疯狂的动物和仓鼠球。在通往食物链顶端的道路上,你可以挥舞枪支、炸药,还能跳起愚蠢的舞蹈。

Super Animal Royale 激活说明

Super Animal Royale 评论和评级

Review by xapaf11258 [user]

Super Animal Royale is addictive. The games are fast (around 7 minutes) and intense. The concept of a BR in 2D is well made. People areSuper Animal Royale is addictive. The games are fast (around 7 minutes) and intense. The concept of a BR in 2D is well made. People are friendly and some tournaments are held by the community. For a free to play, it's a must try. Would like to see more competitive scene on it.

Review by UncleEd [user]

The only thing that I liked about this game was the map design. It is a cute top down 2D version of PUBG map, which actually looks cool. I wasThe only thing that I liked about this game was the map design. It is a cute top down 2D version of PUBG map, which actually looks cool. I was quickly bored due to extremely simplistic gameplay though.1.5/10

Review by

With its genetically modified super animals and original ideas, Super Animal Royale is a fun game that we come back to regularly. The fights are short, intense and perfectly suited for novice players who want to discover the world of Battle Royale. Loads are quick, so games can be played back and forth without the frustration of being knocked out. The map, well drawn, offers enough hideouts and various locations to surprise the opponent and climb to the top of the rankings. It is true that the absence of tutorials and the one and only map could be brakes, but these flaws in no way mar an experience worth discovering.

Review by PanteraHouse [user]

I'm usually not into BR's but decided to try this one out and I'm hooked. Very tight gameplay, solid mechanics, very good pacing and obviouslyI'm usually not into BR's but decided to try this one out and I'm hooked. Very tight gameplay, solid mechanics, very good pacing and obviously a damn cute game. The online community is probably the nicest / most wholesome I've ever seen

Review by PC Invasion

Super Animal Royale is a wonderfully fun battle royale that is very welcoming of casual players. Combat is fast, and the mechanics are simple. You're never be left wondering what you did wrong. You just need to click on bad animals. Matches are short and you don't spend a ton of time looting, so the fear of death is much lower than in other battle royales. Super Animal Royale is the kind of game you should always have on your PC.

发布日期 2018年12月12日
发布者 Modus Games, Pixile
内容评级 E10+ (Everyone 10+)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社, 大型多人在线游戏(MMO), 大逃杀
球员视角 鸟瞰图/等距图
类型 探险, 射手, 独立, 商场
主题 行动, 生存, 喜剧
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, Google Stadia