The Caligula Effect: Overdose




The Caligula Effect: Overdose 激活说明

The Caligula Effect: Overdose 评论和评级

Review by levipon [user]

I bought the game some time ago when it was on sale. The game was fun to play but overall U found it kinda lacking. The graphics aren't thatI bought the game some time ago when it was on sale. The game was fun to play but overall U found it kinda lacking. The graphics aren't that pretty and the gameplay is average. The story itself is an amazing idea and if gameplay and graphics were better it'd be easily one of my favorite games.

Review by BulgarianCritic [user]

Finally a really good and interesting game that i got to play.The story and the characters are just amazing i loved the moral of the storyFinally a really good and interesting game that i got to play.The story and the characters are just amazing i loved the moral of the story that they gave and everything about the good guys and the bad guys i loved.They aren't really bad guys or good guys they are just people with their own problems that they need to overcome.I loved the idea of me being able to see both side's of the coin playing as one of the enemies that we were fighting like some sort of spy that was freaking awesome.The music was pretty good and the gameplay at the start was pretty amazing.The only part of the game i didnt like was the endless maze like corridors and the repetitive gameplay that was the same the entire time .It was so exhausting fighting the same type of enemies on long ass maze like corridors all the time.But the the great story and characters with their own problems overcame that small hurdle and made this game a truly amazing and unforgettable experience that i wish i could forget and play again.

Review by MarkusCreed [user]

The Caligula Effect Overdose dimostra quanto la frase “È bravo, ma non si applica” sia più significativa e meno scontata di quanto si possaThe Caligula Effect Overdose dimostra quanto la frase “È bravo, ma non si applica” sia più significativa e meno scontata di quanto si possa pensare. Gli elementi positivi del videogame, come la personalizzazione e alcune meccaniche, ad esempio il combat system riescono a bilanciare non più che discretamente i difetti regalando una buona esperienza. Tuttavia, le varie sbavature influiscono sulla qualità generale del titolo, che convincerà soprattutto chi è in cerca di un’esperienza appartenente al genere dei JRPG. Insomma, The Caligula Effect rimane a malincuore una grande occasione sprecata.

Review by TakoLuka [user]

I can see why kids wouldn't enjoy a game like this since it falls more towards the pre-Persona 3 side of things. Specially the moronI can see why kids wouldn't enjoy a game like this since it falls more towards the pre-Persona 3 side of things. Specially the moron complaining about japanese tropes in a japanese game. For the adults that played Persona 1/2 (dual) you'll enjoy this title however I recommend you play this on the ps4 or pc as the switch version suffers in the framerate department.

Review by Yglesio [user]

"Persona shallow edition" wouldn't be a bad description, the game evokes an aura of "complicated moral choices" or "an study on the human"Persona shallow edition" wouldn't be a bad description, the game evokes an aura of "complicated moral choices" or "an study on the human psyche" but it just says names for mental disorders and lives things at that, much of the time it just boils down to "person 1 has x disorder so they should talk to person 2" giving a short, uninteresting and predictable interaction between them, sometimes not even addressing the problems such interaction might cause.For the main story just increase the number of persons interacting and add extremely meaningless choices in dialogue(something a long the lines of( option 1 : hi how are you?. option 2: hello, having a good day? )Still the combat of the game is very enjoyable, and it did try to do interesting things.So yeah if you're itching to play persona but have either not been able to or have already played them a couple of times this might help scratch that itch.

发布日期 2018年5月17日
发布者 FuRyu, NIS America
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG)
主题 行动, 科幻小说
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5