
泰坦陨落 2》将提供一种探索人类与机器之间独特联系的精心体验。泰坦陨落 2》中的单人战役可离线进行,玩家将作为一名民兵步枪手踏上前线,立志成为一名精英飞行员。玩家被困在敌后,面临着巨大的困难,必须与一名资深泰坦联手,坚持完成他们从未想过要完成的任务。

Titanfall 2 激活说明

Titanfall 2 评论和评级

Review by byAEG7 [user]

Great short but intriguing story that makes you want to complete the whole campaign in a single seating. Combine that with an excelentGreat short but intriguing story that makes you want to complete the whole campaign in a single seating. Combine that with an excelent movement set and great shooting mechanics to make an almost flawless campaign.

Review by Pog-frog [user]

Exemplary work from respawn.The campaign is short but sweet . the multiplayer ,though somewhat dwindling in concurrent players, is simplyExemplary work from respawn.The campaign is short but sweet . the multiplayer ,though somewhat dwindling in concurrent players, is simply incredible truly the most enjoyable gaming experience i have ever had . However they are definitely times that i get annoyed at someone using cloak and a spitfire or some grappling hemlock wielding loser . But these kind of players are to be expected in any game. This game is worth giving a try !!

Review by Skurttish [user]

This review is only for the single player campaign, which is all I’ve played. It’s a fun, interesting, exhilarating story that has goodThis review is only for the single player campaign, which is all I’ve played. It’s a fun, interesting, exhilarating story that has good variety in the missions and good character development which sneaks up on you at the end. The guns feel great, and playing as a Titan feels weighty and powerful, as it should.The only negative I have is the campaign’s length, and for that, I docked it a point. If it were a few missions longer, it would have been a 10 from me.

Review by omglioromg [user]

Titanfall 2 is the best shooting game I had in years. I really felt the impact of the robot - human relationship and I would recommend itTitanfall 2 is the best shooting game I had in years. I really felt the impact of the robot - human relationship and I would recommend it highly for everyone who love shooter games.The game was not too short and not too long, very interesting plot, this game just kept and kept on giving. The visuals are basically photorealistic. The sounds are perfect. The options you have at any given fight are fun, you can nearly always throw a bomb for huge area damage while reloading. The stealth mechanic made the game too easy but only while you use it, and it have 1 minute cooldown, so it is basically a one minute cooldown auto kill which is very fun and balance. I died a lot of times, a lot more deaths than I would want but that just showing you that the game isn't only easy, there were frustrating moments. I don't want to spoil the story so I won't go into details but the story was so good that I was moved to write a review, it is that good. I see the passion and care that the developers have for this game, and it successfully pulled me into the universe they created. This game is cheap the prize I had to pay is nearly nothing for a game with these graphics, Now that I finished the game I could play a bit with the multiplayer which is excellent. I wish to you all that you buy and play this game since this would be awesome.

Review by Jellowstone [user]

Crazy good game. Pace is really fast and there's really nothing to complain about, since it also released on Steam. I think the community willCrazy good game. Pace is really fast and there's really nothing to complain about, since it also released on Steam. I think the community will still grow more over the coming months and years.

发布日期 2016年10月28日
发布者 Respawn Entertainment, Electronic Arts
总评分 86%
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社
球员视角 第一人称
类型 探险, 射手
主题 行动, 科幻小说
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One