


只需一些简单的工具和物理定律,就能将你的货物从 A 点运送到 B 点。创建斜坡和弹射器,观察物体的翻滚和下落,然后以某种方式......以某种方式到达目的地。每个项目都是一个手绘谜题,让你与之互动--制定计划,进行实验,让它成为现实!

TransPlan 有几十个项目供你探索,从简单的开始,逐渐变得复杂。完成前面的谜题可以解锁后面的谜题和类别,按预算完成项目可以获得提示,为后面的工作提供帮助。TransPlan 完全支持成就和云保存,让您的进度随处可见!

TransPlan 激活说明

TransPlan 评论和评级

Review by cratecruncher [user]

I really like this game because the physical puzzles looked like fun. I was surprised how solid the game play is in this game. The puzzlesI really like this game because the physical puzzles looked like fun. I was surprised how solid the game play is in this game. The puzzles get progressively more complex adding new elements to the mix. It is very easy to experiment with an alternative approach and then reset the puzzle with no penalty. so you are encouraged to try creative approaches. If you feel stuck there is a hint system available to help just enough without conveying the solution. Overall, I call this a great 2d puzzle game. I took off a point because the beginning puzzles felt too easy.

发布日期 2015年6月8日
发布者 Kittehface Software
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 侧视图
类型 独立, 战略, 拼图
平台 Linux, PC (Microsoft Windows), Mac, Android, iOS