Tyler: Model 005



泰勒:005 型》是一款三维动作平台和探索游戏,背景设定在 20 世纪 50 年代,玩家要控制一个名叫泰勒的活泼可爱的微型机器人。在被关闭多年后,泰勒在一场雷雨中意外启动。你要和泰勒一起去探寻创造者失踪的原因,以及你的家发生了什么事,现在家里到处都是机器人大小的老鼠、蟑螂等。

Tyler: Model 005 激活说明

Tyler: Model 005 评论和评级

Review by CD-Action

First I struggled to even launch the game, as it did a lot to discourage me (Blue Screens of Death included). Later I wished I had taken a hint and just walked away, because Tyler: Model 005 was not worth the effort. It’s not worth any effort, actually, as it does pretty much everything wrong – it is ugly, platforming mechanics are botched, combat is primitive, there’s hardly any narrative but bugs are aplenty.

Review by TheSixthAxis

Tyler: Model 005 is a real mixed bag. It doesn’t get close to the heights of its spiritual predecessors, but instead goes its own way to produce a surprisingly effective and heartwarming story that surpasses the limitations of its flawed mechanics to leave a lasting impression. Tyler: Model 005 must go down as a fleeting curio rather than a game I can wholly recommend. Maybe in this case an animated movie would have been a more suitable choice for delivering the story being told.

Review by TheXboxHub

Tyler: Model 005 is simply a bad game. Good graphics cannot hide the multiple issues: bad voice acting, poor combat and crucially, terrible platforming. In a game where platforming is a major component it is imperative that jumping works, and here it does not at all. In fact, this may well be the worst example I’ve ever seen.

Review by Video Chums

When it comes to 3D platformers, Tyler: Model 005 is likely the worst one that I've ever played. The premise and mix of mechanics are definitely promising but it all comes together to make an absolute mess of a game.

Review by Areajugones

Even though we can’t deny that this game has a lovely history and characters, besides a good sense of exploration, the fact is that Tyler: Model 005 is not a title that we can recommend. Has insipid combats, stressful platforms, bugs and, in general, presents a proposal that simply doesn’t work as a whole.

发布日期 2017年2月3日
内容评级 E10+ (Everyone 10+)
游戏模式 单人游戏
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG), 独立
主题 行动
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), Xbox One