


吸血鬼》的故事发生在 20 世纪初的英国,当时英国正被致命的西班牙流感肆虐,伦敦街头也被疾病、暴力和恐惧所笼罩。在这个杂乱无章、鬼影幢幢的城市里,那些愚蠢、绝望或倒霉的人走在街上,成为英国最难以捉摸的天敌--吸血鬼--的猎物。一个饱受折磨的身影从混乱中苏醒。你是乔纳森-E-里德(Jonathan E. Reid),一名高级军医,从前线返回家乡后变成了吸血鬼。

探索 20 世纪初伦敦充满黑暗气氛的街道,与众多具有各自身份和重要性的人物互动。接受并完成他们交给你的任务,但不要忘记:你迟早要进食,并做出艰难的选择......谁会是你的猎物?游戏中的所有角色都有可能成为你吸血鬼欲望的牺牲品。仔细研究你的下一个受害者的生活习惯,他或她与其他角色的关系,然后制定你的策略,神不知鬼不觉地喂食:引诱他们,改变他们的日常习惯,或者确保他们最终独自在黑暗的街道上...

要小心选择猎杀对象,因为他们将永远消失,而他们的死亡将对你周围的世界产生重大影响。吸食人血不仅能让你 "活下去",还能释放新的吸血鬼力量。

有时,探索和诱惑只能让你走得更远,你需要借助 Vampyr 的动态实时战斗。它融合了重击近战、远程射击机制和超自然的吸血鬼力量。你将面对多种类型的敌人:不同种类的吸血鬼和生物,以及想用武器、工具和陷阱追杀你的吸血鬼猎人。在《Vampyr》中,你的健康和驱动超自然力量的 "能量 "是一体的!使用超能力会消耗你自身的血液,让你在战斗中占据优势,但也会让你变得更加虚弱。您必须想办法在战斗中进食以补充体力。

Vampyr 还提供了一个深度手工制作系统。您可以在受害者的新鲜尸体上或在探索过程中寻找和掠夺材料和部件,以制作和改进工具、近战和远程武器以及特殊弹药和涂层,从而利用敌人的弱点。




1918 年,伦敦。你是刚变成吸血鬼的乔纳森-里德博士。作为一名医生,你必须找到治疗方法,拯救被流感肆虐的伦敦市民。作为吸血鬼,你被诅咒要以那些你发誓要治愈的人为食。你会拥抱内心的怪物吗?在与吸血鬼猎人、亡灵斯卡尔和其他怪物的战斗中生存下来。


Vampyr 激活说明

Vampyr 评论和评级

Review by gorilyad [user]

I had this game by sale on Epic games store and loved it for the first hours, despite sometimes it was quite scary. I wish more games aboutI had this game by sale on Epic games store and loved it for the first hours, despite sometimes it was quite scary. I wish more games about vampires in this style, as all others are quite like ****

Review by The_Pharcyde [user]

this game is on the fence for me. it does have a great story, but the graphics on the switch port is just ps1 quality. the graphics ruins thethis game is on the fence for me. it does have a great story, but the graphics on the switch port is just ps1 quality. the graphics ruins the fun the game has in the story as everyone looks like a boiled potato. i expected more from the port as it was done by the same people who did the witcher 3 port for switch, and the graphics looked amazing. Buy it for the story, and nothing else

Review by Bennyballz23 [user]

I think its a very good game i have it on 2 consoles. Great vibe, good vampyr game.I love it. And alwas that.. its better on ps or pc or xboxI think its a very good game i have it on 2 consoles. Great vibe, good vampyr game.I love it. And alwas that.. its better on ps or pc or xbox yes we know the graphic are beter.. we dont care as switch players its a good game and on the go its great. A good rpg in a big city on the go perfect for me. Im having a blast of a time.

Review by Rzno157 [user]

Questo gioco fa schifo e pieno di bug e crash a caso.grafica e ok ma non basta solo quello il crafting e molto noioso e ripetitivo.

Review by Duubz [user]

Truly the most underrated and underappreciated video game out there, and one of my personal all-time favourites. The pinnacle of atmosphere.Truly the most underrated and underappreciated video game out there, and one of my personal all-time favourites. The pinnacle of atmosphere. You play as a Doctor - someone sworn to protect those who have fallen to the plague - who has become a Vampire, now placed in a bloodthirsty moral dilemma of upkeeping his Hippocratic Oath and saving lives, or satisfying his thirst.Each scene is crafted with so much affection and attention to detail, with cinematography as beautiful as something you'd see at a Sundance Film Festival. The soundtrack is absolutely incredible. If Vampyr as a game is underrated, then it's an absolute travesty that the soundtrack to this game is not at the forefront of some music in video games award ceremony. The moody, noir style disease-stricken London of post WWI is expertly crafted. It all comes together to create such a unique, powerful ATMOSPHERE that is just hard to describe.The game perhaps isn't quite for everyone which is where the mixed reviews come in. It requires a lot of investment from the player in order to get the most out of it, it's not something to blindly rush through to get to the ending. Likewise, the combat is far from the most polished system, but it's also far from the main focus, which is the brilliant writing and narrative, coupled with a unique and borderline innovative video game concept of having the choice to kill or spare every single minor or and major NPC in the game.

发布日期 2018年6月4日
发布者 DON'T NOD, Dontnod Eleven, Focus Entertainment
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏
球员视角 第三人
类型 探险, 角色扮演(RPG)
主题 行动, 恐怖
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch