Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle



攻壳机动队 2:最终之战》收录了动画第 3 季第 1 和第 2 部分,采用全新的角色集模式。随着侦察兵团与泰坦的战斗持续进行,队员们也越来越接近了解他们的巨型敌人的奥秘,但却有了新的发现:泰坦并不是他们唯一的敌人。反人员控制小队由臭名昭著的肯尼-阿克曼领导,不惜一切代价也要抓住伊伦和希斯托利亚。侦察兵团开始拯救他们的队友,但他们很快发现,在他们称之为家的围墙内,他们无法信任任何人。

Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle 激活说明

Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle 评论和评级

Review by mytoothbrush [user]

So far, it's my favorite game and after 4 years I can't get enough of playing it.There's so much content and it's almost infinite and theSo far, it's my favorite game and after 4 years I can't get enough of playing it.There's so much content and it's almost infinite and the story mode is pretty immersive. The graphics is ok and the battle gameplay feels like being part of the anime. I gave 9 to the previous games, but I give only 7 to this one, because I didn't appreciate the poor choice of changing the story telling style in this last DLC. The new fighting style is challenging and I love it though.

Review by brockcheese [user]

This is an excellent piece of DLC with new modes including Territory Recovery mode, and Character Episode Mode. Tons of new gear and a lot toThis is an excellent piece of DLC with new modes including Territory Recovery mode, and Character Episode Mode. Tons of new gear and a lot to keep the game interesting even when it gets repetitive.

Review by Redrain61 [user]

Never played such a reparative game, with extremes amount of material farming to the point of mental exhaustion and tedious making you want toNever played such a reparative game, with extremes amount of material farming to the point of mental exhaustion and tedious making you want to quit. To many weapons and gear to upgrade which may take a couple of years if your lucky. To get materials you need to play inferno and to play inferno you need upgraded weapons. Online mode is laughable your either disconnected or cannot find anyone to play daily missions. I thought games were supposed to be fun but the only people laughing are the devs who milk this game based on the anime. I could go on but my energy level is now zero with this game. It’s overpriced and unbalanced which is a contradiction to the characters strength.

Review by AresYon [user]

First off this is a fun game and if you loved the anime you will love the game. However, if you hate grinding then you will hate this game. ItFirst off this is a fun game and if you loved the anime you will love the game. However, if you hate grinding then you will hate this game. It is repetitive like most games but to the point of annoying. If you are part of the 100% club or a Trophy hunter you will hate this game because of the Gallery. To complete the gallery you have to buy and upgrade every weapon and gear and complete every conversation in the game. I get that the devs what you to keep playing but this goes beyond ridiculous. To get the materials to upgrade you have to play on Inferno but it doesn't stop there you also have to play territory recovery mode and there is no real explanation or help. You can buy some of the materials that randomly show up in the game but you have to grind for what they call Wings of Freedom, which cannot be bought in the form of online purchase, but I am willing to bet would sell pretty easily. Sadly at 200 hours I gave up and moved onto another game. Not because I hated it but because I felt it became tedious for me personally and I was no longer having fun. As for the price it is not worth $60.

Review by Gaming Nexus

This content is pretty much dedicated to the Attack on Titan faithful. It's not enough content to justify a whole new game, but it does a good job at being a pretty beefy add-on, but the high cost of entry makes it a tough sell.

发布日期 2019年7月4日
发布者 ONE PR Studio, Koei Tecmo, Koei Tecmo Games
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 单人游戏, 多人游戏, 合作社
类型 角色扮演(RPG), 射手
主题 行动
平台 PC (Microsoft Windows), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Google Stadia