
在惊险刺激的抢劫射击游戏《PayDay》的第二部作品中,组建一个团队。戴上《PayDay》原班人马--达拉斯、霍克斯顿、狼和链子--的面具,来到华盛顿特区,展开一场史诗般的犯罪狂欢。PayDay 2》中的全新 CRIMENET 网络提供了大量动态合同,玩家可以自由选择小到便利店袭击或绑架,大到网络犯罪或清空大型银行金库的任何任务,以获得史诗般的 "PAYDAY"。在华盛顿特区时,为什么不参与当地社区活动,做一些政治差事呢?


PayDay 2:Crimewave Edition》为玩家带来了这款屡获殊荣的射击游戏的增强功能和大量新的奖励内容,让玩家获得终极的 PayDay 体验。

Payday 2: Crimewave Edition 激活说明

Payday 2: Crimewave Edition 评论和评级

Review by DarthPraedos [user]

This game is really easy to get into. Sure after a while it can get boring, but thats why a payday 3 would be great because they could do aThis game is really easy to get into. Sure after a while it can get boring, but thats why a payday 3 would be great because they could do a lot more. I played nothing but this game for a month straight. Its a worth while game to play if your bored of all your current games and no new game are coming out.

Review by Dankmememememem [user]

Though it won't win any "Best of" awards, and the potentially disturbing content won't make this game a parental pick, Payday 2: CrimewaveThough it won't win any "Best of" awards, and the potentially disturbing content won't make this game a parental pick, Payday 2: Crimewave Edition offers a lot of bang for the buck. It's not worth picking up if you already own the previous game, unless you really want to play it on newer consoles, and there are other issues, but it proves fairly fun when playing with online friends. There are new heists, such as "The Big Bank," "The Butcher," and "The Dentist," all of which are loaded with safe cracking, loot stealing, hostage taking, shooting, and vandalizing. There's also a new perk system and skill tree for greater character customization, a new pre-planning feature to prep strategies prior to missions, and nearly 100 weapons and almost 150 customizable masks. The co-op experience is gratifying, as is the progression/XP system and the healthy number of character slots to choose the right team for the job. The game's music soundtrack also is worth noting.That said, there are assorted issues, such as graphical bugs -- awkward character models, "clipping" issues (where players can get half a character's body stuck in a wall or safe), and fallen enemies that seem to float in the air instead of fall to the ground. There also are some single-player A.I. problems, where your computer-controlled teammates disregard the objectives and do whatever they want. But if you can overlook these issues and you're a fan of this genre, Payday 2: Crimewave Edition is a decent bank-robbing action game at a decent price; otherwise, this might not be right for you.Another issue to note is the recent spate of violent crimes against law enforcement officials in multiple areas. Make no mistake, you will shoot cops. And to some mentally disturbed individuals, this is a perfect "cop killing simulator" and personally, i feel like games like Grand theft auto, and Payday give the impression that killing cops is o.k. It's an o.k game, but one full of technical glitches, a terrible player base, and an just awful premise.

Review by PickledPepper [user]

the communication with the console community is a disgrace. the current state of consoles is a disgrace. constant bugs during heists. constantthe communication with the console community is a disgrace. the current state of consoles is a disgrace. constant bugs during heists. constant disconnecting from host during heists, hard crashes that shut down my ps4, lack of content, repetitiveness, no updates or patches just like ps3. disgraceful, disgraceful game

Review by blueblade408 [user]

Payday 2 which is obviously a multiplayer game is missing the major piece... a working matchmaking. Not only is this completely unforgivablePayday 2 which is obviously a multiplayer game is missing the major piece... a working matchmaking. Not only is this completely unforgivable so long after it's release but so much more so after so many promises from the developer on twitter to fix the issues. In addition, they are introducing micro-transactions to a game that doesn't even work properly. Buy this game only if you are partial to theft and sodomy.

Review by youlouz [user]

This game makes you wait over 4 minutes to crack a safe frequently...PROS-Decent Graphics-Decent GunplayCONS-Boring confusingThis game makes you wait over 4 minutes to crack a safe frequently...PROS-Decent Graphics-Decent GunplayCONS-Boring confusing online-Boring confusing single player-Confusing concept-Horrible controls

发布日期 2015年6月16日
发布者 505 Games, Overkill Software
内容评级 M (Mature)
游戏模式 合作社, 多人游戏
球员视角 第一人称
类型 商场, 射手
主题 行动, 隐形
平台 PlayStation 4, Xbox One